This staff has been with my mesmer ever since I first visited Urgoz.
Now I realized that I haven't used it for years, so I might as well sell it.
What could it be worth, given that the inherent mod is anything but ideal?
Thanks a lot for answering.
@Mods: please close my other old thread.
PC on r8 dom zodiac staff
merch imo or hero
Agree , bad luck on inh mod.
The only use for this would be a character build that has only 8 domination and no other caster attributes that would want a handy swap weapon for full 11-22 wanding damage, whereas the only altearnative would be a Wintergreen Wand (or staff).
If you got such a character don't be afraid to Customize it - you won't be able to sell it, no value for collectors, finding a buyer for this is close to impossible.
If you got such a character don't be afraid to Customize it - you won't be able to sell it, no value for collectors, finding a buyer for this is close to impossible.