I was using a whirling axe/shock type axe bar, wearing my warrior's fuchsia(orange+purple) elite canthan armor, wielding my kaineg axe and demonic shield. For some reason I was running out the teleporter of the red base, the rest of my (red)team was fighting at the stand in the quicksand(I could see them out there, I have no idea why... I might have had one or more of my team with me for a split, I don't recall...). I encountered a ranger coming out of the blue base's teleporter, it tried to pin down me, but I dodged it. I ran it down with a lucky bulls through nat stride(it tried to go around me but I intercepted with enraging charge>bulls, and that lit my bar up) and beat it up on the ground(whirl>dismember>shock>Erage>repeat, it didn't get away, and I was actually hitting the guy with the axe, chopping him up, not just waving it around like in the game). Then I went into the blue base's porter and started wrecking stuff. At this point the stand team had pushed into the front door and started killing NPCs and the remainder of the blue team. The blue team base ressed and I caught a few guys trying to go out the porter to split, we killed a few more of them then went into the lord pit.
At this point it got weird... after I decapitated the body guard(not the skill, I chopped the dude's head off with my kaineg axe) and gutting the knights and stuff, I was about to turn on the lord when the walls of the lord area fell apart revealing shelves of severed heads wearing cowls(like the strip enchantment icon, but not green and more crone looking). Each had one eye start glowing and they were trying to hex me so I started hacking at them, jamming the axe into their glowing eyes, but was missing, my team was gone and there were to many of them for me to fight myself... I was thinking, "WTF, MUST CYCLONE AXE" but I didn't bring it into a GvG, I still had my whirling bar... then I rolled over(IRL not in the dream) and woke myself up and didn't get back into that dream again...