Thread Moderation (a question)

Meracle Chamlotte

Meracle Chamlotte

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009




I've tried posting a sale thread which went to moderation (maybe this is due to me being new) but it has been 12 hours and it still has not been approved.

What my question is, is how long does it usually take? And when do I get out of the phase of having to be moderated?

I read rules/faq's and I could not find anything explaining this, it is a little uncomfortable that I can't just jump into the community here

*I dont even know if this post will go in without being moderated.. it's such an unclear area for new comers :x*

I know posts like this are usually, annoying at the best of times, I run communitys myself, but I am really in the blue as to why it takes so long, and there is no mentioned about it being disapproved if that is the case (a pm to the OP would be nice to state that it was deleted if it's the case, or I could be waiting days, and I hate spammers, so i would not try to post again incase it just takes that long)




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


Sorry about that. Our sell mods should have caught the thread and approved it. I've gone back and everything should show up now, on the front page of each forum no less.

We've been having some issues with a particular spammer, so we had to turn up our security a little bit. If a user posts a thread or response that has certain keywords in it, and that user has below a certain number of posts, that thread/post is usually held until one of us can approve it.

It shouldn't be a problem for you anymore, but if it gives you the "your post must be approved" message again, PM one of the Super Moderators or Admins and we should be able to take care of it for you.

Welcome to the board, and sorry for the inconvenience.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Threads that need to be approved go to the mod panel, which none of us use it because it's fairly useless (except IP searches)




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


Originally Posted by Malice Black
Threads that need to be approved go to the mod panel, which none of us use it because it's fairly useless (except IP searches) No they don't Malice. They used to, but with the new system we have, they show up in the forum, but they say "Moderated:" in front of the thread title. You can select the thread and approve it in the forum now.

Yang Whirlwind

Yang Whirlwind

~ Retired ~

Join Date: Nov 2005

Copenhagen, Denmark (GMT +1)


Speak the truth Kat does - wise that one is!

Meracle Chamlotte: if your thread gets moderated in the future, find a moderator who is online and ask to have it approved. Normally we catch these by ourselves, but every once in a while they slip past us.




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


No excuses noob.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Bite me

12 chars (Inde's fault)