I've tried posting a sale thread which went to moderation (maybe this is due to me being new) but it has been 12 hours and it still has not been approved.
What my question is, is how long does it usually take? And when do I get out of the phase of having to be moderated?
I read rules/faq's and I could not find anything explaining this, it is a little uncomfortable that I can't just jump into the community here

*I dont even know if this post will go in without being moderated.. it's such an unclear area for new comers :x*
I know posts like this are usually, annoying at the best of times, I run communitys myself, but I am really in the blue as to why it takes so long, and there is no mentioned about it being disapproved if that is the case (a pm to the OP would be nice to state that it was deleted if it's the case, or I could be waiting days, and I hate spammers, so i would not try to post again incase it just takes that long)