This thread will be updated bi-weekly by Wilderness and I.
Please contribute your sales data so we can keep this list up to date. Thank you.
Remember, do not post if you have nothing to contribute!
These prices are based on general observation and include low and high price possibilities. Take these prices as advice and nothing more.
Amulet -
Green Cho Wei's Axe - Shing Jea Green
Green Dragoncrest Axe
Green Ironclaw
Green Kanaxai's Axe
Green Razorfin's Axe
Green Wing's Axe
Green Kai's Sword
Green Kanaxai's Edge
Green Kaolin Blade
Green Rajazan's Fervor
Green Shiro's Sword
Green Sskai's Sword
Green Quivering Blade
Green Hanjuu's Bludgeoner - Shing Jea Green
Green Kanaxai's Mallet
Green Gavel of the Nephilim
Green Sentasi's Jade Hammer
Green Stonebreaker
Green Ugly Stick
Green Vera
Green Arrahhsh's Aegis
Green Baubao's Shell
Green exalted aegis (strength) )
Green exalted aegis (tactics)
Green Geoffer's Bulwark
Green Jacqui's Aegis
Green Merki's Gaze
Green Reefclaw's Refuge
Green Strongroot's Shelter
Green Sunreach's Shield
Green Tarnen's Shield
Green Pei's Blades - Shing Jea Green
Green Tahkayun's Pincers - Shing Jea Green
Green Arius' Sais
Green Ceremonial Daggers
Green Chkkr's Pincers
Green Daggers of Xuekao
Green Darkroot's Daggers
Green Everthorn's Chakrams
Green Falaharn's Split Chakrams
Green Kaolin Daggers
Green Kenshi's Butterfly Daggers
Green Lou's Karambits
Green Onata's Shards
Green Razorfang's Claws
Green Shiro's Blades
Green Shreader's Talons
Green Shrouded Oni Daggers
Green Ssaresh's kris daggers
Green Ungues of the Oni
Green Urkal's Kamas
Green Ahvha's Longbow - Shing Jea Green
Green Chehbaba's Longbow
Green Ironwing Longbow
Green Kaolin Longbow
Green Lorelle's Longbow
Green Meynsang's Longbow
Green Urgoz's Longbow
Green Ryver's Shortbow
Green Swiftscale's Shortbow
Green Urgoz's Shortbow
Green Brrne's Recurve Bow
Green Nandet's Recurve Bow
Green Nundak's Recurve Bow
Green Razortongue's Recurve Bow
Green Ryver's Recurve Bow
Green Chkkr's Flatbow
Green Ironwing Flatbow
Green Urgoz's Flatbow
Green Jin's Hornbow - Shing Jea Green
Green Inallay's Hornbow
Green Razorjaw's Hornbow
Green Royen's Hornbow
Green Auri's Wand - Shing Jea Green
Green Bahnba's Scepter
Green Seacrash's Influence
Green Shatterstone
Green Stonebreaker
Green Whyk's Wand
Green Zarnas' Wrath
Green Bizzr's Fury
Green Chung's Focus
Green Lian's Lantern
Green Snapjaw's Powerstone
Green Tarlok's Flagon
Green Windcatcher
Green Sanhan's Staff - Shing Jea Green
Green Amadis' Air Staff
Green Arbor's Earth Staff
Green Kaolin Water Staff
Green Koosun's Fire Staff
Green Kunvie's Air Staff
Green Baozo's Wand - Shing Jea Green
Green Mina's Gaze
Green Phi's Wisdom
Green Dream Haunter
Green Wingstorm
Green Deeproot's Sorrow
Green Hanaku's Focus
Green Mohby's Artifact
Green Purifier
Green Time Eater
Green Sulmeng's Staff - Shing Jea Green
Green Kaolin Domination Staff
Green Kenrii's Sorrow
Green Milefaun's Staff
Green Siska's Staff
Green Swiftspell's Staff
Green Talous' Staff
Green Mungri's Flame
Green Stormray
Green Ziinfaun's Belief
Green Feng's Focus - Shing Jea Green
Green Byzzr's Benediction
Green Incetol's Focus
Green Ky's Chalice
Green Miella's Focus
Green Rien's Sacrifice
Green Shen's Censure
Green Ziinjuu's Sanctuary - Shing Jea Green
Green Hukhrah's Staff
Green Jayne's Staff
Green Kaolin Protection Staff
Green Scourgewind's Branch
Green Ssuns' Staff
Green Stoneweaver
Green Scar Eater
Green Deathkeeper - Shing Jea Green
Green Bazzr's Wail
Green Yingko's Claw - Shing Jea Green
Green Chan's Greed
Green Konruus Fervour
Green Kkraz's Indulgence
Green Foulfist's Focus
Green Plaguebinder
Green Rot's Putrescence
Green Sourbeak's Taint
Green Ghial's Staff
Green Kaswa's Gluttony
Green Kaolin Accursed Staff
Green Kyril's fervor
Green Milthuran's Staff
Green Darkwish
Green Stonereaper
Green Woe Spreader
Green Kaolin Wand
Green Brightclaw
Green Mossbeard's Wand
Green Spiritspeaker
Green Vengeance Seeker
Green Cho's Vice
Green Quansong's Focus
Green Soulwhisper's Guardian
Green Spiriteater
Green Sseer's Wish
Green Tattered Fan
Green Pain Eater
Green Skill Eater
Green Miki's Staff - Shing Jea Green
Green Tin Dao's Staff - Shing Jea Green
Green Bazzr's Staff
Green Orosen's Staff
Green Ritual Lord's Staff
Green Spiritgarden's Repose
Green Ssyn's Staff
Divine Path Caster Greens
Green Straw Effigy Should be compared to the current cost of the Amulet to trade in for them.
Green Wayward Wand Should be compared to the current cost of the Amulet to trade in for them.
Cantha Green Pricing Guide {New}
Malice Black
amulet is like 5-7k
sold one recently for 7k
sold one recently for 7k

Rajazan's Fervor - I sold one for 7k, Darkroot Daggers sold for 5k and Daggers of Xueko for 5k also.
bought 2 draconic scythe's green 3k and 4k
and bought Quivering Blade 1k
and bought Quivering Blade 1k
Been selling Arrahhsh's Aegis at 2k. They drop often during MQSC.
Rajazan's Fervor is still pretty hot and can go for about 10k.
Rajazan's Fervor is still pretty hot and can go for about 10k.
Bought a Lian's Lantern for 2.5k
I've always liked them and saw one for sale. No idea what market price is for them, if there even is one.
EDIT - Since I bought that, I've noticed there are quite a few of them for sale around at 1-3k. Some people ask more, but it looks like folks are farming Lian or something.
EDIT - Oct 19
Since I'm the last post, I'll just report my findings here ...
I bought ...
-- The Windcatcher for 4k in kama
-- Kanaxai's Axe for 3k from reply to my wtb thread
-- The Mindstealer for 3k from a guru thread
-- Merki's Gaze for 10k from a guru thread
-- Quansong's Focus for 5k from a guru thread
I saw a Woe Spreader sold for 1k on a guru thread
Various sellers in Kama quoted me ...
-- The Pain Eater 2-4k
-- Lian's Lantern 2-4k (I don't buy that, way too many around cheaper last week.)
-- Kanaxai's Axe was advertised wts in Kama for 10k
Whoot! And now I'm done with all my pc reporting!
I've always liked them and saw one for sale. No idea what market price is for them, if there even is one.
EDIT - Since I bought that, I've noticed there are quite a few of them for sale around at 1-3k. Some people ask more, but it looks like folks are farming Lian or something.
EDIT - Oct 19
Since I'm the last post, I'll just report my findings here ...
I bought ...
-- The Windcatcher for 4k in kama
-- Kanaxai's Axe for 3k from reply to my wtb thread
-- The Mindstealer for 3k from a guru thread
-- Merki's Gaze for 10k from a guru thread
-- Quansong's Focus for 5k from a guru thread
I saw a Woe Spreader sold for 1k on a guru thread
Various sellers in Kama quoted me ...
-- The Pain Eater 2-4k
-- Lian's Lantern 2-4k (I don't buy that, way too many around cheaper last week.)
-- Kanaxai's Axe was advertised wts in Kama for 10k
Whoot! And now I'm done with all my pc reporting!
Raku Clayman
I sold a Byzzr's Benediction for 2K.
Chan’s Greed - 1k
Ssuns’ Staff - 500g
Tattered Fan - 500g
Soulwhisper’s Guardian - 500g
Urgoz’s Longbow - 5k
All on guru threads
Chan’s Greed - 1k
Ssuns’ Staff - 500g
Tattered Fan - 500g
Soulwhisper’s Guardian - 500g
Urgoz’s Longbow - 5k
All on guru threads