Title for menagerie
well the title pretty much explains it all, it would be great if there was a title for it to encourage people to fill up their menagerie. The biggest challenge to it would be getting rank 2 in the "GWMM" title track to be able to put the rainbow phoenix into the menagerie. It would even be challenging to level all the pets to level 20 unlocking all of their tiers, even with all of the death leveling that can be done, it would still take a while. This would also encourage more people to get their phoenix to be able to fill their menagerie. Just a though, leave response's and/or idea's that could be added onto it and sign for it.
/not signed
I can get it through about 200k balth faction
I can get it through about 200k balth faction
There is an option to buy this title if it were added. Pet Unlock Packs are sold at the online store. Easy to do, and we don't need more titles of any kind.
can buy from ingame store
can buy from ingame store
Zahr Dalsk
Purchased with real money at ingame store.
/lock please.
/lock please.
Eragon Zarroc
/not signed too easy even if u dont just go and buy it :P
More titles is something this game desperately needs.
Really? Does everything need a title to encourage people to do it?
/not signed
/not signed
Reverend Dr
can i have a title for how many pairs of shoes i have on one account? there should be a title for that.
oops lol i forgot about the IG store =P my bad.
You should get a point to this title:
And your suggestion should be listed there:
You should get a point to this title:
And your suggestion should be listed there:
Zahr Dalsk
Nihilim Dhiamara
a title would encourage me because i don't care about pets, but gw doesn't realy need more titles
Really? Does everything need a title to encourage people to do it?
/not signed |
The question is "why?" Why encourage filling the menagerie? What good does that do? Does it offer more content, or would it just be pointless grind? Let people who care about pets use it for its intended purpose.
Zahr Dalsk
Taurus ChicKa
I'd love to walk around with a title saying Animal Lover for having every single pet of every single tier in the menagerie, but as has been stated, you can buy the majority of them, so...yeah. I'd like it, so I'll /sign, but I doubt it will happen.
This has been suggested before, and is as inviable as it was before.
The Pet unlock pack doesn't just unlock pets for PvP characters. It does for the entire account.
All of them but the moss spider were saved in my heroes before the menagerie was added, so the only one I had to get was the moss spider.
I really won't mind getting a title for free, but I won't feel like deserving it like I did with the Exploration or elite skills titles that I also had before they were added.
The Pet unlock pack doesn't just unlock pets for PvP characters. It does for the entire account.
All of them but the moss spider were saved in my heroes before the menagerie was added, so the only one I had to get was the moss spider.
I really won't mind getting a title for free, but I won't feel like deserving it like I did with the Exploration or elite skills titles that I also had before they were added.
I believe Linsey needs to relook the whole no more additional titles added to game thing. The game really is becoming stagnant when you run out of things to grind for, and we got a few year til gw2 come out.
Btw: 200k balth faction is incorrect. It take over 500k balth faction just to unlock all pets, not to unlock the tiers. When you convert that into value of zkeys, it is very comparable lucky/unlucky in value.
Btw: 200k balth faction is incorrect. It take over 500k balth faction just to unlock all pets, not to unlock the tiers. When you convert that into value of zkeys, it is very comparable lucky/unlucky in value.
Marty Silverblade
I believe Linsey needs to relook the whole no more additional titles added to game thing. The game really is becoming stagnant when you run out of things to grind for, and we got a few year til gw2 come out.
Btw: 200k balth faction is incorrect. It take over 500k balth faction just to unlock all pets, not to unlock the tiers. When you convert that into value of zkeys, it is very comparable lucky/unlucky in value. |
If the animalpack was not for sale then i would probably sign this idea, unfortunatly for the OP, it is for sale and thus would make this title a bit of a silly one ... so good idea, though not anymore since the pack is for sale...
~ Dan ~
/notsigned for the same reason as everyone else. I don't like animals.
Trader of Secrets
a little too easy for a title