Returning to GW to Blow Money....
Coming back to Gw after a long break and seeing that I still have money and theres been new Updates whats the most expensive/useless/biggest money waster item/items to have right now? Ive got around 1.7 mil to blow
Zahr Dalsk
Give the 1.7 mil to me so I can buy a set of Obsidian Armour for my Ritualist, please. Always did want to get a set of that, never could put up with the grind.
I'd be content with just 1mil, though. I'm not picky.
I'd be content with just 1mil, though. I'm not picky.
Spend it all on lockpicks, ale, and party items for your titles.
Send me around 350k then buy a few BDS' or Eternal blades
Buy a bunch of Zkeys, open the chest a bunch, take a screenshot of the pile of loot, then quit.
zkey title, that's all
Eragon Zarroc
go down to nolani academy on the forums, lay down a million for a mural of ur character commiting suicide. they would no doubt love to oblige u ;-) (p.s. nice random thread :P)
II Lucky Charm II
Buy a limited version of any minipets and delete it to decrease the number of that minipet in the game. It's fun, trust me.
Shayne Hawke
Buy a Henchman Tonic.
Wait five weeks.
Buy a Mad King Guard Mini.
Wait five weeks.
Buy a Mad King Guard Mini.
Great Dwarf Weapon
Give Me The Money :P
Zanagi Kazuhiko
BUy like 17000 Ghost-In-A-Box and open each one in kamadan

Black Metal
I'd suggest splitting it two ways:
a couple stacks of lockpicks, don't pay any more than 1.25k/ea
check out some of the new armors, you might like to get back into the swing of things in some new duds
a couple stacks of lockpicks, don't pay any more than 1.25k/ea
check out some of the new armors, you might like to get back into the swing of things in some new duds
Firefighter Fred
buy as many snow man summoners as you can, then open them all in kamadan dis 1 at peak time and see how much lag you can get.
Use some of the services on the forums like mission runs/book runs/zkeys OR buy the entire stock of spirit wood planks/brown dye and keep them sold out
Rodamus Kantheeze
Hyperinflate the prices of black dye so that no one can afford it. I don't know if thats possible but make it so number one.
expensive: My guess req 9 Voltaic Spears and some other req 9 weapons
useless: Giving them to forum people can be useless yes...
biggest: Some ULTRA Rare Minipets
useless: Giving them to forum people can be useless yes...
biggest: Some ULTRA Rare Minipets
you know those things that you always wanted but doesn't come inscribable so finding one would be rare and super expensive? that's what i did.
plagueborn shields, gothic defenders, echovald shields, plagueborn weapons, etc.
plagueborn shields, gothic defenders, echovald shields, plagueborn weapons, etc.
Spend it on party/sweet title if u dont have it maxxed.
If you do,go pwn the zchest.
If you do,go pwn the zchest.
Buy ecto cheap and sell them high
Make more cash by selling the ecto and then do it all over again power trading until you have a couple of tabs of ecto in storage!
Then give it all to me, Just a thought?

Then give it all to me, Just a thought?
Zkeys, then screenshot.
My New Name
Give it to a random player... For example to an Pelorin Eshmar.
Seriously speaking though just do z chest or smth sweet tooth and party titles are pointless if you don't go for GWAMM and you get a shiny emote for zaishen
Seriously speaking though just do z chest or smth sweet tooth and party titles are pointless if you don't go for GWAMM and you get a shiny emote for zaishen
You can get 1.7 max ranks for that.
zchest definatly. Its where i blew all my stash. Its addictive too.
Well for 1.7mil "Lol look at these people drooling over your money"
Your monument might be a very good thing to finish right now with gw2 coming out in the near future, But if your not going to play gw2 you can.
Buy rare weapons e. froggy, bds, vs etc. Or Work on titles like Life of the party or ale hound. But its all up to you.
Your monument might be a very good thing to finish right now with gw2 coming out in the near future, But if your not going to play gw2 you can.
Buy rare weapons e. froggy, bds, vs etc. Or Work on titles like Life of the party or ale hound. But its all up to you.

ONLY 1.7 million???
Haha yeah most of us have that in ectos or zkeys x10 and still 1.5mil on our characters combined. But, this has been my complaint about easy farming of ectos and that XTH givaway free keys bs for the longest. It's so easy to get a stash of both now. Where's the fun? Where's the challenge? Where's the value in anything?
Do you want to spend it to keep playing the game? Will you quit again after buying a bunch of stuff you wont use? If you plan to keep playing, then hold on to most of it and find things you want. If you want to quit, I suggest having a big trivia party were you give out prizes. Or give it to a guild that hosts events like that. Just don't let it go to waste!
just buy champ title at 5e a point i think i see people selling em for in HA or buy a HA rank, then sell ure account for RLT 
or just go to QQ forums and sell ure ectos/ cash for 250e = $50/£32/E35
ona serious note
just get mooooore sets of armour and maybe a nice mini to customise to ure HoM for GW2, so that my unded ones are worth more
same with me
wasted too many stacks of ZK before the title, i even wrote a letter to Anet about how dissapointed i was lol. but r7 and still going lol xD
or just go to QQ forums and sell ure ectos/ cash for 250e = $50/£32/E35
ona serious note
just get mooooore sets of armour and maybe a nice mini to customise to ure HoM for GW2, so that my unded ones are worth more
zchest definatly. Its where i blew all my stash. Its addictive too.
same with me
Haha yeah most of us have that in ectos or zkeys x10 and still 1.5mil on our characters combined. But, this has been my complaint about easy farming of ectos and that XTH givaway free keys bs for the longest. It's so easy to get a stash of both now. Where's the fun? Where's the challenge? Where's the value in anything?
Even with the millions of plat or stacks o Ectos/Zkeys/Shards or whatever else with stable value some or most of us have, it's just not exciting any more.
Buy a full Hall of Monuments and quit untill gw2 and get the cool bonuses when it comes out.
Shadowspawn X
Roll a new character and pay to have it ran though the whole game, carefully making sure you don't get any XP. Then when you have a lvl one legendary guardian post a ss so we can all comment on the sad state of pve.
Buy as many ectos you can and crash the economy.
Failing that do it for something like glass vials and make them ridiculously high priced.
Failing that do it for something like glass vials and make them ridiculously high priced.
U might B able to get 8 armbraces for the 1.7 mil.. but I doubt it...
since when don't you get Xp anymore from missions+quests?
I'd vote for getting all monthly everlasting tonic if you can
then save it on the inventory and play ard with it when you are bored one day and want to log in just to see what's been going on.
that's what I'd do and abt to do actually..

that's what I'd do and abt to do actually..
Look about at armour you may like or get a everlasting tonic for giggles, and remember to stay out of the mountain regions: