part 2/3
Tall Shield (req7)
+45/-2 (stance)
Tall Shield (req8)
+30/-2 stance
+30/-2 enchant
+60/-3 hex
+30/+10 vs slashing
+30/+10 vs blunt
+30/+10 vs earth
+30/+10 vs lightning
+45/-2 enchant
SoTW (req8)
+30/-2 stance
+30/-2 enchant
Wooden Buckler (req7)
+30/-2 stance
+30/-3 hex
Wooden Buckler (req8)
+30/-2 enchant
Fellblade (req8)
15^50, 15% enchant, 15% stance, 15 vs hexed, 20<50, 15/-1, 15/-1, 20<50
Mursaat Hammer (req8)
15^50, 15% stance, 20<50
Double Dragon Hornbow (req8)
Fleshy Hornbow (req8)
15^50, 15% stance, 15% enchanted
Dwarvern axe (req8)
15% stance, 15% enchanted, 20<50, 15% vs hex
Dwarvern axe (req9)
Serpant axe (req8)
15^50, 15% stance, 15% enchant
Some of the above is customized, can't remember which off the top of my head though.
Again I realize it's quite a bit. Might put a few pieces up for sell soon. None of it will be cheap, as this is years of hard work right here.
Tyrian goodies (part 2)
Malice Black
15^50 60e, 15^ench & stance ~75-100kish, Hexeds & 20<50 30-50k
15/-1 energ 100e maybe orso
Mursaat hammer 15^50 400-500e. 15^st 60e 20<50 20e
15^50 60e, 15^ench & stance ~75-100kish, Hexeds & 20<50 30-50k
15/-1 energ 100e maybe orso
Mursaat hammer 15^50 400-500e. 15^st 60e 20<50 20e
agreed with Pleikki
Damn you Malice - now you show up with tall shields after I give up on my set.... and dwarven axes I need 
Agree with Plekki on prices listed....
R8 15 Stance Serpent I got not too long ago for 250e but everyone says that was cheap - now I'd say 400e+
R8 15>50 Serpent 1750e+ imo
Bacon and I both have agreed you suck. :P
Agree with Plekki on prices listed....
R8 15 Stance Serpent I got not too long ago for 250e but everyone says that was cheap - now I'd say 400e+
R8 15>50 Serpent 1750e+ imo
Bacon and I both have agreed you suck. :P
15^50 mursaat 450+ IMO.....there's quite a few people who would love to pick it up.
15 stance, good luck I tried selling mine for 50e and no luck. also couldn't get 35e for ench which can be compared to 20V50 IMO.
15 ench/st 50-90k
15 vs hexed 50k
20V50 50k
20 hexed 50k
15 -1e over 100e
15 -1hp....well we'll see
15 stance, good luck I tried selling mine for 50e and no luck. also couldn't get 35e for ench which can be compared to 20V50 IMO.
15 ench/st 50-90k
15 vs hexed 50k
20V50 50k
20 hexed 50k
15 -1e over 100e
15 -1hp....well we'll see

Malice Black
stuey n bacon sitting in a tree....
stuey n bacon sitting in a tree....
Malice Black
Last bump before part 3