*** CLOSED BY OP ***
That's more like it. thx for all the input guys.
q8 Frost Artifact
Merch imo.
These r8 blue foci are unwanted, a few k if you're lucky.
These r8 blue foci are unwanted, a few k if you're lucky.
Wielder Of Magic
R8 foci are indeed unwanted, its blue, and the hct mod isn't perfect.
R8 foci are indeed unwanted, its blue, and the hct mod isn't perfect.
CE Devilman
5-10k..its got insc...not so hard to mod it right
(to bad its water..or I go for it)
(to bad its water..or I go for it)
Agree with devilman but ofc hard to sell .
agree with Devilman
R8 foci are indeed unwanted, its blue, and the hct mod isn't perfect. |
Both of those are bad statements.
1. R8 Foci are not "unwanted" - been selling quite often on here lately.
2. You can change the HCT, so who cares if it is max or not?
Overall - 5-10k sounds right
As for it being worth less vs a gold version - yes that is true, it makes loads of sense if you've been around awhile in trading. Some items are rare enough if they were a blue max r8 inscription item it could still get quite a bit - this is a basic common skin and blue r8's are not extremely rare. Fact is they do the same thing as a r9, r10, r11... so in that line of reasoning, you are lucky to get anything for it.