Quick question about the makeover pack
Hi, I just wanted to know if I could change a character's face/hairstyle etc to one of ANY campaign, not just the one he was created in. For example, I created a Nightfall monk but I really like the Factions character designs, is it possible to make him look like a Canthan?
Yes, you can. You can use a Factions face with Prophecies hair on a Nightfall Monk, or any combo you see fit. You can go to the stylist in GToB and play around with it without a credit, so go find something you like before you spend money on it.
I don't know if you need all the games to get all the options, but if you have them it's irrelevant.
I don't know if you need all the games to get all the options, but if you have them it's irrelevant.
Hi, I just wanted to know if I could change a character's face/hairstyle etc to one of ANY campaign, not just the one he was created in. For example, I created a Nightfall monk but I really like the Factions character designs, is it possible to make him look like a Canthan?
If you want, you can go to the makeover dude and try it out for free, you just can't commit the changes.
Eragon Zarroc
u can do a proph hair, factions skin, and nightfall face if u want :P
Bob Slydell
Yeah, lol.. My original Tyrian male warrior and 2nd tyrian female warrior have canthan hairstyles now but with their original faces.