LF a partner to get a tormented weapon with!

gnr rules

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2009

texas baby!!w00t w00t!

Order of the Phoenix [OoP]


Hi there...As the title suggests, im in some need for someone who just wants to get a tormented weapon. I think ive finally decided i would rather try and at least farm the gemstones and do the quest, rather than take the extremely long period of time of farming the money so that i could just buy an armbrace or something.
So can some one please help me out??If you cant do the quests with me, an information on how BEST to go at the quest to defeat it would be helpful.

Im a dervish/monk, and my IGN is Gnr Rules.Im going to be offline most of the time since im grounded (loonngg story >.<) but when im un-grounded i will be on aton! I hope you guys can help me out!Thanks!