r8 tactics
armor 16
gold item, non-inscribable
inherent mod - -5 physical damage (20% chance)
+30 hp mod
skin: crude shield
is it any good?
Furnace Stoker
Join Date: Mar 2006
Country Roads [HOME]
05 Oct 2009 at 19:34 - 2
Are both mods inherent?
Just asking, because you only wrote inherent mod for the -5/20% and you only put that one in the title.
Many people still think they can just put a Shield Handle on those non-inscribable shields.
Please edit your info
Forge Runner
Join Date: Jan 2009
Wroc??aw, Poland
Midnight Mayhem
05 Oct 2009 at 20:35 - 3
crap, you're right, forgot about it this time as well. merch food then