PC on yet another gold... (q11 oldschool fire staff)

Lieutenant Banana

Lieutenant Banana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009


The Koreans


TITLE ITEM P/C'ED, NEW ITEM HAS YET TO BE P/C'ED (requesting a new PC in this thread as opposed to making a new one for obvious reasons) Cheers ^^

EDIT: Thanks for the speedy reply, wilderness, original item merched as suggested. New question (i.e. new drop)...something called a Morning Star Axe, which came out of a locked chest in Pongmei Valley, HM. I've heard the skin's a bit uncommon, so I'm throwing it out there. Thanks in advance, and thanks for everyone's patience as I figure out the GW economy beyond feathers.

Sundering Morning Star Axe of Fortitude
Dmg 6-28 (q10 Axe Mastery)
Dmg +15% ^ Stance (inherent)
Armor penetration 20/20
Health +30

Again, it's not a q9/q8...but I'm hoping the skin and the perfect mods make it decent.

-Lt. Banana




Join Date: Mar 2006

We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]



Imperfect inherent mod on high req common skinned staff. Imperfect inherent mod = merch as standard.

Take off the 20% enchant wrap and sell for 5k or so.