Here's the list as I know it so far (please let me know if I miss anything):
- Live Test Krewe
- Sealed Deck
- HB/TA removal
- Skill updates (more feedback and we're going to be allowed to know a month ahead of time now)
- Implementing new Henchmen into PvP/Removing heroes from PvP
- PvP skins
- GvG Tiebreaker
- New mAT schedules
- JQ/FA bug fixes
- New HoH map
- Automating weekend events
- Halloween Contest
- Halloween Content
- Wintersday Content
- *Syncing RA (not sure if I should add this or not....I'm assuming they're considering this issue "handled")
- Eliminating/Balancing Speed Clears (not really sure how to word that)
- The possible skill change to Shadow Form
- The possible re-work to 600ing
So what're you looking forward to?
I'm still excited about the Live Test Krewe. I can't wait to see how better QA improves the quality of the game.