q8 purple non-insc Oni Daggers (+13/enchanted inherent)
q8 gold non-insc Shadow Blade (+15% vs hexed foes)
q8 purple Grim Cesta (gauntlet skin, max and insc)
q8 Command blue Goldleaf Defender (insc, max)
PC on a few q8's, please?
Drelias Melaku
M @ T
2-3k/merch Oni
Shadow ~ 20k(bad damage mod)
Not so sure though.
Shadow ~ 20k(bad damage mod)
Not so sure though.
Drelias Melaku
Thanks, M @ T!
Anyone else have opinions for the other items, or second opinions on the Onis/Shadow?
Anyone else have opinions for the other items, or second opinions on the Onis/Shadow?
agree with [email protected] on oni dags, however I would say 15%hexed shadow is around 10k since common skin and bad inherent
the req8 grim cesta is around 15-25k also
on the shield not sure but all req8 16AL shields go for 60k+
the req8 grim cesta is around 15-25k also
on the shield not sure but all req8 16AL shields go for 60k+