Is Dwarven axe worth anything?
Edit : Its gold and inscribable. req. 11
Prisrcen Psicek
depends on rarity (purple or gold), if its inscribable or not, and the req...
edit your post, and write down the stats...
edit your post, and write down the stats...
Prisrcen Psicek
so? how much?
Q11 (Insc) Dwarven Axe is going to be around 3k-5k IMO. I'd personally merch it, but you can get a couple of k for it.
EDIT: Oh, and use the edit feature to add more comments or questions. Not allowed to post twice in a thread within 24 hours...
EDIT: Oh, and use the edit feature to add more comments or questions. Not allowed to post twice in a thread within 24 hours...