All max etc
No negs
Shortbow (req13) 13%
Short Sword (req10) 14%
Longbow (req12) 14%
Long Sword (req10) 14%
Long Sword (req10) 11%
Crude Shield (req8)
+30/-2 stance
Shadow Shield (req8)
+30/-2 stance
+30/+10 vs slashing
+30/+10 vs earth
Summit Warlord (req8)
+30/-2 stance
+29/-2 enchant could never find a max one
Accursed Staff (req7 death)
10/10 death
Shadow Staves (req8)
Fire 10/10
Curses 10/10
Death 10/10
Earth 10/10
Air 10/10
Divine 10/10
Domination 10/10
Water 10/10
Holy Rod (req8 healing)
+5^50/10% HCT
HoD Sword
Might have a few more to add. Gotta have a search around my storage account.