I was going to go and post my on-hold commission...but I have a decent amount of art for Farai. Instead, I shall give you one of my favorite RPG characters, as I've been playing this character for years, rather love her a lot, and don't have much art of her (unlike Rianna, who I have tons of art of). She is the character I play in a Matrix RPG, and I'm feeling rather nostalgic for that game and wanting to play it again.
Her name is San, and she is the sort where if you took a look at her, you would not think her to be much of a threat. She's a young girl, only 21 years old, and is tiny, standing at 5'1" (155cm) tall with a slender build. Certainly not someone that you would expect to be an experienced and very deadly soldier. She is Japanese and in fact grew up in Japan when she was still in the Matrix, though she is fluent in English and rarely ever speaks her native language anymore (no one she knows understands it).
She is, as I already said, very small. Her hair is just about shoulder-length, black and just a bit wavy, and she has brown eyes. She is relatively fair in skin color, though it's more of a golden-tan tone. She generally wears a sleeveless red cheongsam/qipao shirt, a black shrug-style jacket, black dress pants and black boots. Her sunglasses, if she wears them (she has a habit of losing them with all of her acrobatics) are simple and grey. She only fights unarmed, or with a pair of tanto.
As far as her personality goes, she is generally a fairly quiet person, somewhat serious, and incredibly sarcastic and smartass-y. As she has gotten more confident throughout the game, she has also become increasingly antagonistic and almost arrogant towards enemies...which is not always a good idea, but that has yet to stop her. She has a bit of a temper but is fairly hard to rile up, generally responding to idiotic comments with biting insults of her own. She has a bit of an inability to trust other people, and has a habit of taking matters into her own hands to make sure it gets done. She's also extremely determined, and very protective and loyal to her friends, and has done all sorts of ridiculously reckless and outright stupid things if someone else is in danger. She is the First Officer of her ship, and is decent at planning and strategy, though sometimes has trouble getting people to listen to her. She's not afraid to give a swift kick (sometimes literal) to get attention, though
She's currently out of commission (and absolutely hates the fact) due to severe injuries sustained in a sentinel attack. To put it short, just about every single bone in her body was broken as well as severe internal injuries when her ship crashed during a sentinel attack. No, I don't know how she survived that one either, but I'm not about to complain!
Some examples of the completely ridiculous and slightly suicidal things San has pulled off in the game...because some of them are hilarious...
- Ran straight at an Agent to distract it from beating the hell out of another crewmember (this was in fact the very first thing I did in that game).
- Fought an Agent on a window box outside of an 11th story window so that the others could get inside, which resulted of her being thrown through the side of the box and only barely hanging on by one hand.
- Blew up a building she and the other crewmembers were still in, to get away from Agents.
- Fought an Agent by herself to allow the others to help the injured crewmates escape (if you haven't yet noticed, she plays Agent bait. A lot. And is very good at it).
- Fought an Agent on top of a moving bus.
- Fought two Agents at once, by herself, which resulted in her being punched across a room.
- Used an Agent's head as a springboard while trying to escape from one (literally. She was running along a set of shelves when they decided to topple it over. She leapt off, kicked one in the face, and used the force to flip forward and give herself room to run).
- Leapt off of a balcony and down the side of a mountain.
- Rather suicidally took one of the gunner turrets on her ship, despite having no gun skill at all, to try and distract the sentinels destroying her ship long enough for emergency repairs to be made to keep them all from dying (it worked. Kind of. The ship still crashed and was completely wrecked, and she nearly died, but everyone survived in the end).
...yeah. I know you said there's no such thing as TL;DR in this thread, but I think I just managed that anyway. As for exactly what I'd like to see you do...honestly? Go nuts. I'm quite sure that whatever you come up with for her, it'll be perfectly in character. You have her looks, her personality, and examples of her ridiculous recklessness. Go wild