What would you like to see as this years Halloween Mask?
What would you like to see as this years Halloween Mask?
I know many of us would like to see Grenth Horns, Witches hat, or a Pumkin Helm from years past...but what NEW ideas do we have for this year? Going along with the past two years themes...seems we are missing Frankenstein and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. But Im curious what other players would like to see.
I know many of us would like to see Grenth Horns, Witches hat, or a Pumkin Helm from years past...but what NEW ideas do we have for this year? Going along with the past two years themes...seems we are missing Frankenstein and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. But Im curious what other players would like to see.
Shadowspawn X
Devil mask.....
Neo Nugget
Hmmm, something ghostly would be nice. Oh....with armor value please
Headless Mask? It makes you headless!
It's probably already been decided, but I still want dyeable kitty ears.
Divine Ashes
Unlucky Slayer
a hello kitty mask.
scariest thing you'll ever see
scariest thing you'll ever see
A Ghost Rider Mask.
Just a floating skull covered in flames (with animation of FDS)
Just a floating skull covered in flames (with animation of FDS)
Vampire mask would be good to finish the monster collection. Replace hair with black slicked back widow's peak hairstyle, add pale face with fangs as a facepaint like the zombie mask, and a long black cape to go with it would be amazing but I imagine the clipping would be a nightmare. Possibly Vampirella-style hair rather than Dracula-style for female characters.
Marty Silverblade
I'd be happy with the aforementioned black kitty ears.
Aussie Boy
a reapers hood with a skeleton face would be nice...
or yeah, kitty ears ftw
or yeah, kitty ears ftw
skeleton mask. with glowy eyes.
Sifow Chan
Kitty ears would be something I'd like. Maybe even ears + the nose/mouth/whiskers kinda thing.
hermione wavy hair, pointed nose with a mole
A slightly miffed pumpkin
Mad King Thorn mask!
Vendetta Wish
How about a one eyed demonic mask like that found on the demonic shield!!
Chaos Mask
MY top three
Michael Myers
Blood spattered hockey mask
Chuck Norris Mask
Michael Myers
Blood spattered hockey mask
Chuck Norris Mask
How about monster heads basically put on a human,so phanyom's hoo,d dream riders mask. A glowing pumpkin mask would be awesome on so many levels.
hair on fire mask
Heath Ledger Joker mask
Instead of exclamation point, question mark mask (red, instead of green hovering over head.)
Heath Ledger Joker mask
Instead of exclamation point, question mark mask (red, instead of green hovering over head.)
They should do a mask for each of the playable races in Guild Wars 2, with the mask you pick reflecting the race you are going to choose.
"headless" mask.
Just makes your head see-through so it looks like you're decapitated.
Just makes your head see-through so it looks like you're decapitated.
your char's face with the eyes cut out, leaking blood from every orifice.
Shayne Hawke
Something I can dye.
this ->
The Scorpion Knight
Artisan Archer
Something with candles and flowers.
El Presidente
A Vampire mask or a Skeleton mask, or...
Carrying around your own decapitated head.
Carrying around your own decapitated head.
Devil Horns WITH a red pointy tail for your backside
Black Cat Ears WITH a black cat tail for your backside
Black Cat Ears WITH a black cat tail for your backside
Red Apple
Headless mask FTW!
But I would accept a classy Hockey Mask.
But I would accept a classy Hockey Mask.
Eragon Zarroc
evil margonite mask. playing again? lol
Oink The Pig
Paper bag with two holes for eyes.
Or a mask that turns your head ghostly.
Or a mask that turns your head ghostly.