1. r9 tact insc celesltial shield
2. r8 str insc shield of the lion
3. r9 tact celestial shield -5(20)% +10 vs blunt
4. r11 str celestial shield -2/stance +10 vs demon
5. r12 echovald shield -3/hex +10 vs fire
6. r9 dom amber staff 10% HCT
7. r10 air amber staff 19% HCT water
8. r13 curses amber wand 10% HCT +5^50%
9. r9 wicked blade 15^50
10. r9 crenellated sword 15^50
11. r8 str zodiac shield +45/-2 stacne
12. r8 str insc zodiac shield
13. r9 shadow bow 15^50
thnx for any advise
pc on a few shields and random stuff
Doc Ar
Doc Ar
Bump added 2 more shields any help would be cool
Doc Ar
still interested in some pc's any ideas would be helpful
Doc Ar
another bump, realy any help is good
Doc Ar
alright last bump, can anyone give me some ideas?