Price Check on crystalline and chaos axe q8
Hi everyone! I have been away from guild wars for almost three years. Let me say one thing before i ask my question...don't ever leave GW for any length of time, and expect to just jump into the saddle when you decide to start playing again. I considered myself somewhat of a decently skilled player before i left. Before i left=
when i came back=
But i am starting to get it again. O.K. I am new to this forum i will try to keep my ramblings succinct and to the point after this. I would appreciate if you would take a minute to give me your best estimate of what these two items are worth. First, a requirement 8 gold, sundering 20/20, +30 health, and +13% damage while enchanted CRYSTALLINE SWORD. The second item is a requirement 8 gold sundering 20/20, +30 health, +15% damage, and minus five energy CHAOS AXE. I appreciate any help that you can offer...glad to be back!
M @ T
First off use paragraphs next time please.
2nd, I assume your weapons are old school so here goes..
Chaos ~ 40e
Cryst is hard to PC. Stick it in High End with s/b 100k and I would R/B it @ 100e. Not quite sure though, wait for Stuey.
2nd, I assume your weapons are old school so here goes..
Chaos ~ 40e
Cryst is hard to PC. Stick it in High End with s/b 100k and I would R/B it @ 100e. Not quite sure though, wait for Stuey.
Wouldn't sell the crystaline below 250e... just post in high end and see how it goes, s/b 50e and just take bids and wait for at least a week.... hard to say on those kind of items exact prices, but not many r8 crystalines around anymore
chaos axe 100k 10-15e range so ye, 40e is about right
chaos axe 100k 10-15e range so ye, 40e is about right
What Stuey said makes sense to me.