PC on random golds



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2009

The House of Wolfblood


I've got these random golds in my chest. Wanted to make sure i was getting the most out of them

req 9 soul reaping platinum wand of memory
energy +5 ^ 50

req12 fell blade Caster modded

req 10 Sephis Sword Caster modded

req 9 Elemental Sword Caster Modded

req 10 Saurian Scythe Perma Modded

Thanks in advance.

M @ T

M @ T

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

South of heaven

S E X Y Shinigami[SEXY]


Fell ~ Salvage perf mods and 10k max, not very sure.

Sephis ~ Salvage perf mods and 5-10k

Elemental ~ Salvage perf mods and 10k max

Saurian ~ 15-20k imo.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

Europe - H

Private Army of Ascalon [ARMY]


fellblade: 5k max IMO
sephis: ~5k clean
elemental: agreed with [email protected]
saurian: ~10k clean