All Gold, max damage, req 8, 15^50 inherent (not inscribable) with perfect mods
1: Sundering Tetsubo Hammer of Fortitude
2: Furious Golden Maul of Fortitude
3: Sundering Magmas Arm of Fortitude
4: Furious Magmas Arm of Fortitude
Thx in advance
PC Req 8 Hammers
Tetsubo recently sold for 200e IG. Could perhaps go a little higher if put in high end.
I believe the tetsubo will go a lot higher then 200e.
Magmas Arm......40-65e.
Magmas Arm......40-65e.
sold one to don recently for 190e
so i'd say anywhere 200-250e
so i'd say anywhere 200-250e
ID see tetsubo go 250e+ With right buyers. but without any kind of bid war 200e is just fine
200-250e+ on tetsubo...... tbh rarer than mursaat and better looking 
agree on magmas arm
i'd be interested in golden maul so won't pc for conflict of interest.. ;P
agree on magmas arm
i'd be interested in golden maul so won't pc for conflict of interest.. ;P