Channeling Staff
The 'telephone pole' skin (same as Togo's staff from BMP)
11-22 req 10 channeling
HCT resto 19%
Bo Staff 20/10 req 10 water
r7 Tactics AL 15 blue insc Shield of the Wing
mods please close last week's thread if needed - thanks
Channeling Staff 20/19, Bo Staff
Sir Cusfreak
Sir Cusfreak
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Our Blood
don't know bout staffs i would Merch them, but that sort of shields go for ~60k
Sir Cusfreak
other opinions anyone?
Ġ ō Đ??
dont merch the bo staffs
even if its req10 water and channeling
i recently got a q12 dom bo staff 20/19 thats worth 40e

Agreed, do not merch the staves.
No clue on the telephone pole, but I can see where it might be interesting to bidders.
I recently asked a friend I trust to know Bo Staff PCs for the value on a r10 Water 20/10 Bo Staff and he told me 50k. I wound up getting the bo staff and 30k in trade in exchange for my r9 Water 20/10 Outcast. I think and hope I got short-changed by 20k or so.
No clue on the telephone pole, but I can see where it might be interesting to bidders.
I recently asked a friend I trust to know Bo Staff PCs for the value on a r10 Water 20/10 Bo Staff and he told me 50k. I wound up getting the bo staff and 30k in trade in exchange for my r9 Water 20/10 Outcast. I think and hope I got short-changed by 20k or so.