Also im pretty sure my lagg problems in Guild Wars are to do with the loading of the map (high pings when it eventually loads).
Been having these issues for about a week now, and not sure what's gone wrong. (The issues with Guild Wars have been more like 6-7 months though...)
If i pause a video on Youtube so i can wait for it to buffer (let's say roughly a 3 min video), it would take about 10 minutes to buffer. (that little red bar takes ages to move across)!
Something i've found with this is that if i keep refreshing the page several times i will sometimes 'get lucky' and the red bar will move across like normal, however i don't wish to continue like this!
Silly buffering problems with Windows Media Player also. Takes ages to buffer at the start, then it would stop like a few seconds in the vid to buffer some more for about a minute, and then god knows how many times after that.
All the buffer problems have been happening for about 1-2 weeks now.
Now, lagg problems with Guild Wars; i've found that if theres a quick load of the map (which is, infact, rare) then there are no lagg problems, green pings everywhere. If it takes ages to load, then i get alot of red pings. The longer the load, the higher the ping.
"Reloading" the map sometimes works, i keep reloading until i get a fast load & eventually a green ping.
Example: I go into an explorable, i get red pings. I portal back in and then back out repeatedly until i get a green ping. What's up with that?
Things i've tried - I will edit this list as i go along.
Everything in the "Guide to solving common lagg problems"
Contacted support, not resolved.
Contacted ISP, not resolved.
Windows Firewall is not blocking Guild Wars or Windows Media Player.
Scanned for viruses, nothing. (Avast!)
Scanned for Malware & Spyware, nothing. (Windows Defender)
I've heard all the buffering issues and the likes are to do with bandwidth, but im unsure as to how all of that works, i'm not very technically minded!
Sorry if there is alot of text here, but any help on the issues above will be greatly appreciated.
