PC Several Items?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2009

The Imperial Guards of Torment


Does anyone mind checking the prices of these items for me? I'd prefer the prices to be given per item not altogether (especially for the ones that I have multiples of) Cheers!



1 x Quetzal Sly
1 x Lich
1 x World of Madness
1 x Jora
1 x Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
1 x Shiro
1 x Dagnar Stonepate
2 x Ooze
2 x Water Djinn


3 x Rune of Superior Vigor


1 x Bow of the Kinslayer (15-28 piercing, dmg +15% when health >50%, Poison duration +33% (stacking) health +30) -req 9 marksman-
1 x Guardian of the Hunt (16 armour, Leaf of the wind Armour +10 (vs cold dmg)) -req 9 str-
1 x Elemental Sword (15-22 slashing, Don't think twice 1/2 spell cast time (chance 10%)) -req 9 swords-

Crafting materials:

2 x Obsidian Shards
3 x Ectoplasm
42 x Amber Chunks


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006


You can check the Rune trader for Runes and the Rare Material Trader for current Rare Material prices.

Insc the GotH Shield should run 25-45k (non-insc single mod = worthless)


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I just now bought myself a r9 Str gold insc. GotH tonight in Kamadan when I saw a sell ad. I was thinking 25-45k range, too. I offered the seller 25k and they immediately accepted. I saw someone in GtoB trying to sell me one for 100k a couple days ago, but I don't think that's really a fair price for them anymore.