Does anyone mind checking the prices of these items for me? I'd prefer the prices to be given per item not altogether (especially for the ones that I have multiples of) Cheers!
1 x Quetzal Sly
1 x Lich
1 x World of Madness
1 x Jora
1 x Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
1 x Shiro
1 x Dagnar Stonepate
2 x Ooze
2 x Water Djinn
3 x Rune of Superior Vigor
1 x Bow of the Kinslayer (15-28 piercing, dmg +15% when health >50%, Poison duration +33% (stacking) health +30) -req 9 marksman-
1 x Guardian of the Hunt (16 armour, Leaf of the wind Armour +10 (vs cold dmg)) -req 9 str-
1 x Elemental Sword (15-22 slashing, Don't think twice 1/2 spell cast time (chance 10%)) -req 9 swords-
Crafting materials:
2 x Obsidian Shards
3 x Ectoplasm
42 x Amber Chunks
PC Several Items?
You can check the Rune trader for Runes and the Rare Material Trader for current Rare Material prices.
Insc the GotH Shield should run 25-45k (non-insc single mod = worthless)
Insc the GotH Shield should run 25-45k (non-insc single mod = worthless)
I just now bought myself a r9 Str gold insc. GotH tonight in Kamadan when I saw a sell ad. I was thinking 25-45k range, too. I offered the seller 25k and they immediately accepted. I saw someone in GtoB trying to sell me one for 100k a couple days ago, but I don't think that's really a fair price for them anymore.