Req9 Guardian Branch: Inscribable and Clearn
Noticed it only comes out of UW/FoW/Z & Arachni's Chest but don't know whether it could be worth something or not. Thanks
PC: Req9 Guardian Branch
The wiki must be wrong on that one, because they first showed up in NF and r9's were around even before HM came out.
Right now, I'm thinking they're 5-10k range, if that. Might fetch more if you work at it.
I could be wrong, but I'm thinking I see them too often on chest drop clearout threads for the price to be much higher.
Right now, I'm thinking they're 5-10k range, if that. Might fetch more if you work at it.
I could be wrong, but I'm thinking I see them too often on chest drop clearout threads for the price to be much higher.