PC: Req9 Guardian Branch



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2009



Req9 Guardian Branch: Inscribable and Clearn

Noticed it only comes out of UW/FoW/Z & Arachni's Chest but don't know whether it could be worth something or not. Thanks


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

The wiki must be wrong on that one, because they first showed up in NF and r9's were around even before HM came out.

Right now, I'm thinking they're 5-10k range, if that. Might fetch more if you work at it.

I could be wrong, but I'm thinking I see them too often on chest drop clearout threads for the price to be much higher.