Been some time sine I famred EoTN and I recenly go these running some Dung's
REQ9 Cobalt Staff (Soul Reaping)
REQ9 Crysacola (Energy Storage)
REQ12 Embercrest (Divine)
I know the 1st 2 are perty rare, any help on the prices. I have NOT mod'd these yet so please PC them un mod'd. Only takes a few K to mod a staff.
PC on Cobalt, Chrysacola and Embercrest Staffs
Eragon Selene
Eragon Selene
Top it up......anyone have some ideas?
Eragon Selene
top it up.....
Eragon Selene
no help? someone has to have an idea
Well, I recently got a q9 Cobalt staff Energy Storage, which a friend valued at 30k ish. So base your prices around that number, perhaps.