How many still play the Bonus Mission Pack
pumpkin pie
out of curiosity.
how many players still play the bonus missions? I must admit i've forgotten about it.
how many players still play the bonus missions? I must admit i've forgotten about it.
Shayne Hawke
I haven't forgotten about them, but I have no reason to play them anymore.
I do, because I <3 the tengu weapons.
i play them to get some tengu weapons
I plae dem to get my 7.5k den sum charr staves den i stop
Bob Slydell
I only play them if I get a good set of perfect weapon upgrades for something and want one of those skins. I do wish they could be transferred to PvP characters....
i haven't played them yet.....
Black Metal
no, I did them when they came out
one day I'll do them again to concentrate on the lore
one day I'll do them again to concentrate on the lore
Every once in a while I do when I need a max r9 weapon for something and I cba to go buy one.
Hammer Drawn
I do - Like the Undead and Tengu weapons for both my chars and heroes.

Marty Silverblade
I play them now and again, mostly for the weapons.
Divine Ashes
I only play them when I like one of the skins...which isn't very often. Other than that, it's pretty pointless.
I have never played them. Not really interested in playing them. Good thing I got them for free.
I never got the BMP so I've ignored it.
Chicken of the Seas
I play them for the weapons when any other wep just won't match my armor.
Played it last week twice for 2 weapons. I want to go back to it and explore all the discoveries as I haven't got around to doing that yet and I just want to replay Saul's just for the lulz.
So yeah. I still poke at it from time to time.
So yeah. I still poke at it from time to time.
No credit card = no BMP.
Riot Narita
Yeah, when I need a weapon for myself or a hero... half the time I'll do a BMP mission, the other half I farm items and get collector weapons.
I have to admit that I only finished Gwen and Togo. I sometimes do Gwen again if I need a quick weapon for one of my heroes (I guess Gwen is the fastest mission). I always wanted to finish the other two, but always decided to do something else.
I've been through it a couple of times but lately forgot cause I really don't need anything. Figure I'll play Togo's story again now that you reminded me.
I play all of them so now and than, every time when I want a new weapon for
My hero's or one of my char's.
The Mursaat spear is one of my favorite's.
But it would be so nice, if you could play those missions in Cöop or something
like it.
My hero's or one of my char's.
The Mursaat spear is one of my favorite's.
But it would be so nice, if you could play those missions in Cöop or something
like it.
I am glad I got the pack but no I haven't played them for some time.
Had I been able to change the skills "I assume these people new more than 8 skills" it might have held my interest longer, as would the option to play as your own character in a how would I have done in their place scenario.
Once you have done all the missions the rewards for repeating are a little limited.
Overall it was a good effort making the pack but it could be made a lot better.
Had I been able to change the skills "I assume these people new more than 8 skills" it might have held my interest longer, as would the option to play as your own character in a how would I have done in their place scenario.
Once you have done all the missions the rewards for repeating are a little limited.
Overall it was a good effort making the pack but it could be made a lot better.
Interesting...I was just about to post something similar.
Recently, I created a character who is forbidden from vault withdrawals until she has finished Nightfall. Using the BMP was incredibly helpful, especially since I had a few bonus objectives remaining. As for general play, I typically just use it when I need a quick clean weapon.
Oh, and while we're on the subject, does anyone else think it's odd that Togo's spirit cast times were not changed in any way?
Recently, I created a character who is forbidden from vault withdrawals until she has finished Nightfall. Using the BMP was incredibly helpful, especially since I had a few bonus objectives remaining. As for general play, I typically just use it when I need a quick clean weapon.
Oh, and while we're on the subject, does anyone else think it's odd that Togo's spirit cast times were not changed in any way?
Hadn't played them since it first came out, until maybe two weeks ago. I just wanted a few Mursaat weapons.
Only when I need a weapon.
i play some of them from time to time. that's because most missions are quite different from your everyday mission found in gw and are fun to jump in and out, because they don't take long to complete.
yeah I like those missions. But never was able to finish Saul's story. It's hard 
love the tengu weapons, but have only ever managed to finish the mission once, its hard too

love the tengu weapons, but have only ever managed to finish the mission once, its hard too

Olim Chill
Tried it when it first came out...didn't like it. Haven't played it since.
Meh. I'd probably play it more, but I just don't have the patience to learn them - beat Gwen's Story once in 4 tries and gave each of the other stories 2 tries each, getting no wins. :/ Quite discouraging considering how much better I do at the real game...
own age myname
Never got it, even though I did preorder GWEN :/.
Oh, and while we're on the subject, does anyone else think it's odd that Togo's spirit cast times were not changed in any way?
I run BMP missions for Tengu and Undead skins for my characters and heroes. I particularly like doing Turai's story, though, because the final cinematic is one of the greatest in all of GW. I just love throwing Joko off that bridge. And it takes less than 15 minutes.
I played them a couple months ago because I wanted a Mursaat shield and spear set:
Before then, I don't remember when the last time was I played them.
Before then, I don't remember when the last time was I played them.
Still play them often, mostly to get a new weapon I want to mod
played them once on release, that's it.
Eragon Zarroc
lol, i dont think i have even done every mission. still need a char and mursatt wep...
The Scorpion Knight
Never got it, but always wanted it.
Just played Turais yesterday. It was fun but don't know If I would want to keep doing them over and over again.
Nice change of pace from vanquishing.
Nice change of pace from vanquishing.