Another PC Wishlist (mouse-over for summary)


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

*** CLOSED by LicensedLuny, Oct 20, 2009 ***

leaving text below for in hopes of aiding future PC searchers
Please DO NOT POST new replies in this thread months later!

**** ||20/10 Outcast/Bo Staves|Dom. Froggies|Torm. Maul|Chromium Shards|Draconic Scythes & Aegis|Avian & Giant Slayers Hammers|Briar Blade|Vabbian Tower Shield|WG Hammer|Slaying mods|GotH 10vDemons, -5/20|Earth Ele Embossed Aegis|r8+5 Jade Daggers|| ****

^^^ That's a summary line for mouse-over and quick view purposes, details below. ^^^

Hi and thanks for looking!

I've got a new list of PC requests! Hopefully I won't have to add to it as often as the last one.

So, I'd like to hear best guesses for the following. Most of it is because I'm looking to buy one or more for myself or friends and need to have a range in mind if I find a seller.
  • r9 Water 20/10 Outcast Staff and r10 Water 20/10 Bo Staff
    I traded my r9 Water 20/10 Outcast Staff for 30k and an r10 Water 20/10 Bo Staff (both gold staves.) We'd both like to hear PC opinions on these. I'd especially like to know if I came out of that way ahead so I can make ammends.
  • r9-13 Domination Frog Scepters - no clue what these go for beyond "XX-XXX ecto" Someone told me yesterday that they sold an r13 dom frog for 46e, but they didn't claim to know if that was high/normal/low.
  • Tormented Maul - is normal range for buying these 35e to price of an armbrace, or is it fairly common to see them lower?
  • r9 insc. Chromium Shards - I'm thinking of buying these from someone, but neither of us know the going rate. Is the supply of these from reward and zchests or w/e still low enough to make them hard to find, or have they become commonplace in storage clearouts now? Any info on fairly recent prior sales for these would be most helpful!
  • Draconic Scythes, gold insc. ones all reqs. - thinking of buying and need to know what to say to the standard "offer" responses. (I've recently heard of r9 for 65k and helped connect a friend with someone selling an r10. They tell me they traded for 40k.)
  • Draconic Aegis - wondering about the PC for an r9 Command and an r9-10 Strength
  • Avian Hammer max - anyone remember recent prices for this skin?
  • Giant Slayers Hammer max, insc. if possible - any ideas? insc. or 15^50 if not available with insc. slot.
  • Briar Blade max, r9-10, gold - any ideas?
  • r9 Command Vabbian Tower Shield, gold - any ideas on reasonable offers for these lately?
  • Wintergreen Hammer - any idea on the recent price of these? I know they're hard to find for sale.
  • 20% Slaying mods - I'm looking to collect a full set of slaying mods. I was under the impression most are usually worth no more than a few k, but some people have told me they're oft seen in Kamadan at wts for 10k. Does anyone know if they usually really sell that high? I know there are specific mods for popular farms that demand higher prices, so any info on the following specific ones would be most helpful.
    • Demonslaying mods for all weapons (sword, axe, hammer, bow, staff and daggers ... if the Demonslaying Dagger handle even exists.)
    • Is there any other slaying mod useful for a popular farm/run? I've noticed someone else looking for Tenguslaying axe mods, but just the one.
  • I'm debating on whether or not to sell some non-insc. items with nice stats and would appreciate any best guesses on current prices ...
    • gold r13 Tactics Embossed Aegis / -2wE and 20% +1 Earth Magic
    • gold r10 Tactics Guardian of the Hunt / +10vDemons and -5/20
    • gold r8 +5en Jade Daggers
      (Would hate to give them up. While I don't use them right now, I like them and I can see them as useful for various build possibilities in the future. I'd like to know going rate just in case I need cash for something else really important ... like a kidney.)

Responses so far. Thank you all for the help!
  • r9 str Draconic Aegis bought for 55e in mid Sept., could be 35-45e now - thanks Basch!
  • thanks take me!
    • r9 Chromium Shards 10-15k range
    • no insc Giant Slayers Hammers
    • r9 20/10 water outcast 50-60k
    • r10 20/10 bo might be higher (I should at least give the 30k back it seems.)
  • thanks to the "Noob Trader," my favorite guy to nag for price checks! And yeah, he's ignored me for it once or twice, too!
    • r9 insc Chromium Shards as low as 10k, as high as 20-30k
    • no insc. Giant Slayers Hammers
    • outcast and bo about the same. I should probably give back the 30k (and some "Noob Trader" shoulda paid closer attention and not told me 100k for outcast and 50k for bo <3 dis!)
    • Draconic Aegis: r9 str ~40e, r9 com 100k+ ... like he told me, yep, and now he's miffed that I ask other opinions! sheesh
    • r13 dom. frog scepter is probably worth a bit more than 46e
    • Tormented Maul 40e+
    • Draconic Scythes: r13 ~15k to r9 ~65k+
    • r9 Avian Hammer ~ 15k, r9 Briar Blades 25k
    • r9 com Vabbian Tower Shield 10-15k or more
    • no dagger slaying mods to be had. rest are 3-5k max except for ...
      • axe demonslaying 50k+
      • sword demonslaying 80-100k+
      • hammer demonslaying 3-5k
      • staff demonslaying 3-5k
      • bow demonslaying 15k
      • tenguslaying for martial may be a bit higher for feather farming
      • pruning for martial may be higher for Urgoz
    • earth ele embossed aegis 15-20k
    • GotH 50e+ ( was thinking that, but hoping it might be less valuable on the open market, so I wouldn't be so tempted to sell it if I run low on cash.)
    • Jade Daggers 40-50e+ ( see above)
  • Draconic Aegis: r9str 40-45e, r9 com 20-25e - Thanks King Bannian!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2008

Ibiza, Spain



I sold my q9 strength Draconic Aegis for 55e, anyways this was a month ago and also high.
I think they might be 35-45e (maybe not that high). However u might consider other updated opinions.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Bump! Thanks to Basch for the reply above! And thanks for all the views!

While any answers are great, I'm particularly in need of pc's on
- r9 ins. Chromium Shards
- 20% axe grip of demonslaying
because some nice folks are ready to sell me theirs, but we need to know fair prices.

Cheers! May you all pwn many an unsuspecting Charr!



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006


Country Roads [HOME]

I'll try to give you some PC's.

Chromuim Shards should be ~15k +/-, but I also seen them being sold for below 10k
Giant Slayers Hammer - I'm about 99,99% sure they dont come inscr.
Outcast req9 Water, depending on interest I'd put it on somewhere between 50k and 60k
Bo Staff req10 Water might be a little higher or around the same level, but not really easy to PC




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Chromiums can get up to 20-30k lately -- but as said can be found as low as 10k.

Agree on the Giant Slayers - don't know of insc version.

I sold a similar outcast for 90k fast - I see much less of them than celestials - heck I've seen loads more dragons lately than outcast.. - and think the bo is about the same.

R9 Str Draconic are about 100k 20e so 40e like I told you
R9 Command around 100k+

After checking around - that seems about right or maybe even low for that frog scepter.

Tormented Maul around 40e+

Draconic Scythe I saw a r13 at 3e last night (15k) and up to 65k+ for r9...

My last r9 avian hammer and briar blades sold around 15k and 25k

Vabbian Tower shield 10-15k+

There are no slaying mods besides the core. I really would not pay over 3-5k for any of them but demonslaying. Axe one I have heard goes for around 50k+. Sword 80-100k+.. hammer 3-5k... staff 3-5k.... bow 15k - have also seen people wanting tenguslaying - that is for feather farming - so those for sword, axe etc may be a bit higher than normal. Pruning is wanted for Urgoz at times... otherwise I don't see any demand for others.

Embossed 15-20k max if that.. with the high req

GoTH 50e+

Jade Daggers 100k 20-30e+

King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

on draconic
str r9 40-45e
command r9 20-25e