Hi all, i need a PC for this gold :
P.S. : I do not sell many of these items ...
TYVM in advance!
PC Some Golds
baneful scepter: ~5k
fiery blade axe: ~20k
celestial axe: ~15k - not sure about that tho
celestial sword: I'd merch it
ghostly staff: merch
dolyak prod staff: ~10-15k
elemental sword: 5-10k
ornate buckler: merch
fiery blade axe: ~20k
celestial axe: ~15k - not sure about that tho
celestial sword: I'd merch it
ghostly staff: merch
dolyak prod staff: ~10-15k
elemental sword: 5-10k
ornate buckler: merch
... Bump ...

M @ T
Fiery Blade ~ 15k
Elemental Sword ~ 10k
Cel Axe ~ 10-15k
Cel Hammer ~ 15-20k hard to sell
Legendary ~ 15k without mods
Cel Sword ~ 5k/merch
Ornate ~ merch or use it since skin is nice.
Elemental Sword ~ 10k
Cel Axe ~ 10-15k
Cel Hammer ~ 15-20k hard to sell
Legendary ~ 15k without mods
Cel Sword ~ 5k/merch
Ornate ~ merch or use it since skin is nice.
merch ornate buckler
XD copy my profit pic
XD copy my profit pic
ele sword - 5-10k
gothic dual - 15-20k
fiery blade - 10-15k
legendary sword - 10-15k (15k = hard sell for this skin)
cele axe - 10k
cele hammer - 10k
cele sword - 2/3k
Sorry to just rehash, not sure on others.
gothic dual - 15-20k
fiery blade - 10-15k
legendary sword - 10-15k (15k = hard sell for this skin)
cele axe - 10k
cele hammer - 10k
cele sword - 2/3k
Sorry to just rehash, not sure on others.
... Bump ...