all items are max gold not inscribable. just wondering what they would go for
q10 divine favor outcast staff
q9 mursaat hammer
+15% while enchanted
q12 divine favor raven staff
HSR 20% all
HCT Healing 20%
q12 falchion
+15%/-1e regen
q11 celestial longbow
+15%/-1e regen
5 oldschool items
Firefighter Fred
q10 divine favor outcast staff
Based on what I've seen recently for PC's on my r9 Water 20/10 Outcast and looking around at other Outcast sales ... guessing 50kish for that. Monk, Fire Ele and maybe Necro (for this particular skin at least) seem to fetch higher prices, so it might offset the r10 vs r9.
Not even gonna risk guessing at the others, sorry. I'd guess you could get a lot of folks interested in that Raven Staff though.
Based on what I've seen recently for PC's on my r9 Water 20/10 Outcast and looking around at other Outcast sales ... guessing 50kish for that. Monk, Fire Ele and maybe Necro (for this particular skin at least) seem to fetch higher prices, so it might offset the r10 vs r9.
Not even gonna risk guessing at the others, sorry. I'd guess you could get a lot of folks interested in that Raven Staff though.
think #1 could get 100k+........................
I'd merch the -1e regen stuff... no use for it
raven 50k+..... hard to say with R12
I'd merch the -1e regen stuff... no use for it
raven 50k+..... hard to say with R12
disagree with stueyg on outcast staff q10 20/10 and agree with luny
the q10 divine 20/10 is under 50k for sure
rare skin, however, sadly, VERY unpopular
I have seen several on gwshoppe sold for under 50k
people are really not looking for 20/10's on outcasts and even 20/20 outcast are quite unpopular
and if you put a high-end / sell i doubt anyone would pay over 100k
cause i couldn't even get a buyer for 4 weeks when i put a q13dom 20/20 for buyout only 16e
agree with stueyg on the others though
the q10 divine 20/10 is under 50k for sure
rare skin, however, sadly, VERY unpopular
I have seen several on gwshoppe sold for under 50k
people are really not looking for 20/10's on outcasts and even 20/20 outcast are quite unpopular
and if you put a high-end / sell i doubt anyone would pay over 100k
cause i couldn't even get a buyer for 4 weeks when i put a q13dom 20/20 for buyout only 16e
agree with stueyg on the others though

Firefighter Fred
thanks for the quick pc's everyone
Just wondering if anyone has an idea on the hammer?

:/ 15wE is really unpopular for hammers but with it being r9 and that skin ... 20k tops? Hard to say, not at all sure.
Id merch 15/-1 and mursaat hammer myself
Raven ~40-50k
Outcast 50-75k. ...
Raven ~40-50k
Outcast 50-75k. ...
sold a r9 smiting 20/10 easy for 80k........... I see people asking for outcast staves too....
r13 + mesmer = bad sell - I wouldn't pay that much for a r13 20/20 celestial or zodiac....
r13 + mesmer = bad sell - I wouldn't pay that much for a r13 20/20 celestial or zodiac....