not sure how much there worth if they are even worth anything but thought id ask the pros...
R9-Runic blade
R9-Crescent Blades
R10- Mammoth Axe
R9-Dadao sword
R9-Storm bow (perf 15^50 +30 20/20)
R9- Demonic Aegis (tactics)
All of these are inscribable btw, i was gunna merch most of them but thought id ask first... Thanks!
pc on a couple of items
bub stew
Total Lockdown
Runic 10- 15K
Sword 15K
Stormbow 50-80K
Demonic 100K to 100K+5e
Sword 15K
Stormbow 50-80K
Demonic 100K to 100K+5e
King Bannian
agreed with above. merch mammoth and crescent.
I've managed to sell r9 gold crescent daggers for 5k recently, but it took a lot of talking with "wtb daggers" advertisers in Kama. Up to you if you want to spend the time.
I don't know price, but if r9 gold insc., I wouldn't merch the Dadao just yet. I can see that being worth more than 5k, just don't know how much more.
I don't know price, but if r9 gold insc., I wouldn't merch the Dadao just yet. I can see that being worth more than 5k, just don't know how much more.
King Bannian
dadao sword can go for a bit..
an insc. req.9 maybe 10 or 15k to someone.
usually a monk.
an insc. req.9 maybe 10 or 15k to someone.
usually a monk.