What to do with HB maps
What does everyone think that anet should do with the HB maps once they faze out HB? Should they move them into RA/Sealed, assuming both share maps, or delete them?
If they add them to RA/SA that'll give people who play on those maps more variety. However not everyone likes cap-maps.
If they add them to RA/SA that'll give people who play on those maps more variety. However not everyone likes cap-maps.
I believe that someone's already said that they will be moved to SD.
All I can say is that they had BETTER mod them to non-Capture Point before they are released. Because if it turns out that SD is a Capture Point mode, I sure as hell won't play it. Capture Point modes are not fun.
That's why I very rarely play AB, and never play HB. It took me all of 5 HB matches to figure out that the meta was complete crap. Why? Because of Shadowsteps, and their inherent power when used in a Capture Point map.
All I can say is that they had BETTER mod them to non-Capture Point before they are released. Because if it turns out that SD is a Capture Point mode, I sure as hell won't play it. Capture Point modes are not fun.
That's why I very rarely play AB, and never play HB. It took me all of 5 HB matches to figure out that the meta was complete crap. Why? Because of Shadowsteps, and their inherent power when used in a Capture Point map.
I would say try them for SD in combination with the current TA maps, that way people have to build for more then just killing. However if it just sucks then remove them.
They tried it with RA once and it failed, cap points is just bad when you have 4 random players and no voice chat.
They tried it with RA once and it failed, cap points is just bad when you have 4 random players and no voice chat.
Keeping the crossing just shows another fail, I pray to god they don't move over.
They do not need to be kept as 'capture maps', they would work just fine as normal RA death match maps, so they can freely go to RA or SD.
Some can even be converted to PvE content (Challenge missions or quest areas for mox-like quests or so.)
Some can even be converted to PvE content (Challenge missions or quest areas for mox-like quests or so.)
Eragon Zarroc
i agree that they do not need to keep them as capture maps, but if they keep them with the removed capture abilities, they will be so large for just straight fighting maps, lol. like, just meet in the middle and the rest of the map is there so that the last guy from one team has plenty of space to run around, trying to escape before he gets caught and killed in the end? lol
Add them to costume battles. Then make costume battles year round.
HB maps will be in HB; Nothing will be removed; Who told you that?
AFAIK, they are making the place Sealed Desk, not removing the maps.
AFAIK, they are making the place Sealed Desk, not removing the maps.
Let's have an even in which we celebrate the death of HB and burn its maps.
Keep em for costume brawl.
Otherwise, burn in hell.
Edit: Pretty sure they said Sealed Deck will keep either the TA/HB outposts. They haven't said anything either way about the actual maps yet.
Otherwise, burn in hell.
Edit: Pretty sure they said Sealed Deck will keep either the TA/HB outposts. They haven't said anything either way about the actual maps yet.
I rather enjoyed the HB maps when they came to RA for awhile. (Though it seems no one else did.) There's nothing wrong with capture maps so long as something (like the fact that annihilation and kill-count maps abound) forces you to plan around killing the other team instead of running degenerate capping capping builds.
4v4, 6v6, or 8v8 AB plz. More chance to actually fight and to practice small splits.
Shayne Hawke
It's possible that they would get used in Costume Brawl (ick), but I don't see them having a lot of use in other arenas. Perhaps they could show up again in RA or SD, but any cap point mechanics would most likely be scrapped.
If they didn't give points for capping, it would have been fine. Give a health bonus, siege attacks, an extra merc, that woulda been fine. It was giving points for capping that meant that you could win without a single kill in an arena called hero 'battle' that was fail. As is, they can just keep the maps and shunt it to SD or RA or something. As long as capping doesn't count, nothing too wrong with the maps.
If they didn't give points for capping, it would have been fine. Give a health bonus, siege attacks, an extra merc, that woulda been fine. It was giving points for capping that meant that you could win without a single kill in an arena called hero 'battle' that was fail. As is, they can just keep the maps and shunt it to SD or RA or something. As long as capping doesn't count, nothing too wrong with the maps.
Owik Gall
I didn't like the HB arena maps, but I heard that anet will recycle them into the new RA/sealed deck arena.
Delete Crossing
Who cares what they do with the others.
Who cares what they do with the others.
Mr. Undisclosed
Am i the only one that thinks the crossing is pretty well made
Pretty sure they have, also pretty sure its in the same sentence they said they'd re used the outposts.
Yes you are. GW has no z-axis making the Crossing an awful idea and in terms of Hero Battles and the way the AI act here it is awful in ways I can not put in words, just rage.