I propose an edit too the friendslist, have a line of text saying why theyre added too friends or ignore list.
<Friend 1> - Godly HA LS monk
<friend 2> - 6 man discordway partner
<friend 3> Customer from my service page: Vanquish Augery Rock and Hells Precipice HM.
Ignore list:
<Ignored 1> - Spammer
<ignored 2> - UWSC Noob failer
Wouldn't be so hard too implement, I've added numerous people and forgotten who on earth they were.
Slight friends list change
Been suggested lots. Would be nice. Prolly never happen. Shame.
Have the same problem, but as said, don't think it want happen

that sounds great but doubt it, id like a suddle change to the selection, move remove to last, since sometimes i click on whisper and there's a lag or im off a bit that i click on remove instead and forget the spelling of the ign. If ignore was up 1 or remove down 1 then at least the IGN wont be accidently removed so easely.
How about you just get to edit the name in your friends list, instead of adding a label? Listing people by the name of the char they were on when you ran into them doesn't make much sense anyway; you should be able to change this to their IRL name (if they're really your friends) or a useful label (like you wanted).
Eragon Zarroc
lol, if u don't remember why a person is on ur friends list, that prolly means they aren't much of a friend anymore. lols. still, i would agree that this would be a nice addition, but it is prolly too novel to get any attention ;-) bummer

lol, if u don't remember why a person is on ur friends list, that prolly means they aren't much of a friend anymore. lols. still, i would agree that this would be a nice addition, but it is prolly too novel to get any attention ;-) bummer
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That makes me less of a friend for forgetting why theyre in my f-list?
Friends List Aliases
Organizable friends list
Petition for Friendslist Notebook (Your freaking own thread from 2007)
Organizable friends list
Petition for Friendslist Notebook (Your freaking own thread from 2007)
Friends List Aliases
Organizable friends list Petition for Friendslist Notebook (Your freaking own thread from 2007) |