r7 Gold 16AL Tactics Skeleton shield
-2 stance
-2 enchant
r8 Gold 16 AL Command Aureate Aegis (inscri.)
r4 Gold 12 AL Tactics Sun and Moon shield
any thoughts?
3 shields
100+e on the Skeleton shield if you find the right buyer
Im not sure on the Aureate Aegis, maybe 40-50e but that's the shield im looking for.
PM me ingame if you are willing to sell.
and the Sun and Moon shield, i have no clue
Im not sure on the Aureate Aegis, maybe 40-50e but that's the shield im looking for.
PM me ingame if you are willing to sell.
and the Sun and Moon shield, i have no clue
I would merch the r4 shield , too low AL value imo.
12/req4 Gold shield is definately Not merch, it's rare, but I can't guess how high it can go. I might be interested in it if cheap

Yeah, don't merch that 12/4! (although, having seen your name around these boards for years, you probably already know that.)
Honestly, I'd put that up with a 50kish s/b and see how high it went. 4 is a nice breakpoint with so many builds. I used to know a pvp'er that wanted first dibs on any max-armor-for-min-req shield I ran across. He was particularly interested in req 4's because of how many builds leave you enough points to set something like tactics to 4.
If you get enough people to see it, I can imagine it will sell for a lot higher than 50k!
Not that 12/4 is any less likely to drop than 16/8 ... just most people playing where such things drop aren't likely to know to come sell them on hiend. I suspect you get the market for such shields all to yourself.
Cheers & GL!
Honestly, I'd put that up with a 50kish s/b and see how high it went. 4 is a nice breakpoint with so many builds. I used to know a pvp'er that wanted first dibs on any max-armor-for-min-req shield I ran across. He was particularly interested in req 4's because of how many builds leave you enough points to set something like tactics to 4.
If you get enough people to see it, I can imagine it will sell for a lot higher than 50k!
Not that 12/4 is any less likely to drop than 16/8 ... just most people playing where such things drop aren't likely to know to come sell them on hiend. I suspect you get the market for such shields all to yourself.
Cheers & GL!
bump......ya I figured the 12/4 shield might be of interest to someone.
Aureate aegis Idon't know
When it comes to non max but low req shields I think he best you can do is start a thread with s/b 35-50p and let it go up.More often then not you will find 2-3 people bidding up against each other.
When it comes to non max but low req shields I think he best you can do is start a thread with s/b 35-50p and let it go up.More often then not you will find 2-3 people bidding up against each other.
Would not sell the r7 below at least 200e
Aureate 75e+
and good call on the last shield Lunz - have also seen others buying these and have some some for 50k+
Aureate 75e+
and good call on the last shield Lunz - have also seen others buying these and have some some for 50k+