"Your Guild Wars Account has been closed for using an illegal third party program. We want you to know that we use great care when analyzing accounts prior to termination. We are both diligent and conservative in determining which accounts are using these programs, and we only take action after we are able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that such use has occurred."

That's the explanation I got about my account being terminated during RRday. Nothing illegal going on. I occasionally use multilaunch to move things around and manage mules.
Multilaunch (GW2X, homade or otherwise) is now considered reason for PERMANENT TERMINATION.
I'm pretty angry to say the least. Terminated for doing nothing wrong and given BS explanations.
They don't even check logs or anything. I requested a log review from their side and all I got was that they are carefull and basically I triggered a flag for whatever reason and now I'm a third party applications user. Apparently no HUMAN can be too quick at the keyboard/mouse because it is then considered a third party application. So basically under Anets eyes I'M A BOT.
Happy RR-ban-my-new-account-DAY.
What do you guys think?
(and yes, wawa, I wan't my account back!)