Trading Between GW1 and GW2
When GW2 finally arrives and, inevitably, many migrate from GW1 to GW2, what will happen with our storage bounties from the original? It's already a pretty hot topic, and lots of people are already planning how to deal with their cash when they move on to GW2.
Here's the problem I'm wondering about: when GW2 opens and everyone is on an even plane, are people going to attempt trading GW1/GW2 items across games? This would be stomping grounds for scams, etc., without cross-game moderation. After all, GW1 may grant titles/items in GW2 through the Hall of Monuments, so rare minipets, Destroyer/Tormented weapons, and hero armors (as examples) will likely spike in price in the original (whether spike up or dive down is up to debate) to get all the early-on goodies in GW2. Also, with some people sticking around and still playing the original, GW2 items will be nearly meaningless to them, and they may try to trade GW2 items they have no need for for things in the original that have changed in price or inherent value.
In other words, when GW2 opens up are we going to see "WTS (GW2 item), 30e GW1"?
Here's the problem I'm wondering about: when GW2 opens and everyone is on an even plane, are people going to attempt trading GW1/GW2 items across games? This would be stomping grounds for scams, etc., without cross-game moderation. After all, GW1 may grant titles/items in GW2 through the Hall of Monuments, so rare minipets, Destroyer/Tormented weapons, and hero armors (as examples) will likely spike in price in the original (whether spike up or dive down is up to debate) to get all the early-on goodies in GW2. Also, with some people sticking around and still playing the original, GW2 items will be nearly meaningless to them, and they may try to trade GW2 items they have no need for for things in the original that have changed in price or inherent value.
In other words, when GW2 opens up are we going to see "WTS (GW2 item), 30e GW1"?
Shayne Hawke
Undoubtedly, yes, unless ANet says it's against the EULA.
And minipets, weapons, hero armor, materials, and title items will continue to have some level of value if they can still be transferred from GW wealth into GW2 wealth via the HoM.
And minipets, weapons, hero armor, materials, and title items will continue to have some level of value if they can still be transferred from GW wealth into GW2 wealth via the HoM.
Trades between games of all kinds do happen a lot and it's been so for many many years. And players will do it even if it's not legal, they will find gaming forums where it's a normal thing.
Getting some hot stuff early in GW2 will be able to make you stupid rich back in GW1 as most players will be moving without caring about what they leave behind.
Getting some hot stuff early in GW2 will be able to make you stupid rich back in GW1 as most players will be moving without caring about what they leave behind.
What if these special Guild Wars 2 bonus items aren't tradable and end up being special skinned weapons like the BMP items? I think the majority of the crowed really could care less about that silly Hall of Monuments then we have the people that are going to leave Guild Wars behind.
Fate Crusher
As much as I can understand, I don't think anet will be allowing the possibility of trading between games. You guys said it yourself, it would give people an unfair advantage over new players (but I can agree to an extent that longtime players should be rewarded for staying loyal onto gw2). The fact is that items from gw2 and hundreds of years in the future has no sense to be bridged with gw1. And as far as we know the only bridge between the two games will be the HoM. And even that is just a "legacy" of your ancestors and their past experiences.
Things like the HoM should give a bonus but I doubt that will happen because it will be unfair...
Things like the HoM should give a bonus but I doubt that will happen because it will be unfair...
go cubs
I don't think they should allow trading between games either. It's a new game. It doesn't make sense from a design perspective. If they let the old items be tradable then that means they're probably usable too and then they can't experiment or change the current weapon system unless they make an exception.
Icy Spicy
it'll happen, some people will quit GW1 and not look back, all their items will be useless and they are more than happy if they can get rid of them if they get some nice GW2 stuff, others may not buy GW2 or might not like it, and they will sell their GW2 stuff for GW1 stuff, works both ways... and even if HoM stuff are locked to accounts which I believe they will be (like /bonus), there can be other items that are worse trading between games
Martin Alvito
If economics has taught us one lesson, it's this: Regardless of whether or not it's legal, if there's a market for it, exchanges will happen.
If ANet actually enforces the rule with bans, the exchanges will be fewer in number. But they'll happen.
If ANet actually enforces the rule with bans, the exchanges will be fewer in number. But they'll happen.
Devastating Flames
How will trading items from gw1-gw2 be possible it wont be because as anet has said it's a completely different game 250 years in the future their will be towns your gw2 char can go to were u can meet up with gw1 players in reality gw1 players have all gone and died. so no cross trading will even be possible. but the price will spike when the release date is set or when the HoM bonuses are released to the public because ppl are going to want to fill their hall. that will spike prices and title items so get them done now
Eragon Zarroc
hmmm, it wouldn't be encouraged i'm sure because of easy scam possibilities. whether or not anet will make it a specifically illegal activity worthy of being banned for, who knows. could go either way
Bob Slydell
Xolotov, just...lmfao at that post.
Anyways, If what I think you are saying is right... Just..when you sell the item in GW1 just call it by it's original name when you are selling..don't say GW1 item..easily solved.
Anyways, If what I think you are saying is right... Just..when you sell the item in GW1 just call it by it's original name when you are selling..don't say GW1 item..easily solved.
They're not talking about transferring GW1 items to GW2, they're talking about players in GW1 selling GW1 items in GW1 in exchange for GW2 items in GW2. Player A wants some awesome sword in GW2 but has nothing to pay for it, so he gives the seller say 200K in GW1. It would all have to be done on trust or maybe via a 3rd party moderator.
Of COURSE there won't be any exchange between games, that would be impossible unless Anet built it into the game, which I seriously doubt would happen, it's a completely different game.
Of COURSE there won't be any exchange between games, that would be impossible unless Anet built it into the game, which I seriously doubt would happen, it's a completely different game.
Black Metal
anyone who is willing to do that shouldn't complain when they get scammed on their leg of the trade
regardless it's inevitable that this sort of thing will happen
regardless it's inevitable that this sort of thing will happen
Trading between games won't be happening. Get over it!
Shadowspawn X
Pfft, what could you possibly even want in GW1 at this point
Black Metal
It's already being done within Guild Wars. People paying 2X post gold for pre gold.
Unless the Asuran build a time portal, there is no way you can trade with your descendants in the future.
That assumes the other player even has a GW1 account at that point in time. Even if he has, that 200K in GW1 would mean very little if he has already totally moved to GW2, not to mention easily scammable.
The only GW1 commodities that will be actually useful in GW2 are a completed HoM and maxed titles. I predict that undedicated mini pets, granite, diamonds, onyx gemstones, and iron would shoot up in price close to GW2 release.
They're not talking about transferring GW1 items to GW2, they're talking about players in GW1 selling GW1 items in GW1 in exchange for GW2 items in GW2. Player A wants some awesome sword in GW2 but has nothing to pay for it, so he gives the seller say 200K in GW1. It would all have to be done on trust or maybe via a 3rd party moderator.
The only GW1 commodities that will be actually useful in GW2 are a completed HoM and maxed titles. I predict that undedicated mini pets, granite, diamonds, onyx gemstones, and iron would shoot up in price close to GW2 release.
Unless the Asuran build a time portal, there is no way you can trade with your descendants in the future.
That assumes the other player even has a GW1 account at that point in time. Even if he has, that 200K in GW1 would mean very little if he has already totally moved to GW2, not to mention easily scammable. The only GW1 commodities that will be actually useful in GW2 are a completed HoM and maxed titles. I predict that undedicated mini pets, granite, diamonds, onyx gemstones, and iron would shoot up in price close to GW2 release. |
Reason being: some people may not have prepared a HoM anticipating the rewards in GW2 to be garbage. When GW2 comes out, they may want to fill their GW1 halls to catch up. Therefore, they may farm for some good stuff in GW2 and try to sell GW2 items (in GW2) for GW1 items (in GW1). This is just an example, the other prominent few being people who have some items in GW2 but have decided to continue playing GW1 (selling GW2 loot for GW1 loot) or people who have hoarded things for HoM selling them in GW1 for GW2 stuff to propel them ahead.
Is this kind of thing really going to be regulated? It just seems like a very likely possibility that trades between games have legitimate reason to exist, but somebody is going to have to push "Accept" on one client first... if you know what I mean.
If GW2 rewards for GW1 accomplishments are significant enough then I expect this sort of thing will probably happen. To do it though you would have to have someone who has accounts in both games and is trusted enough to moderate in both games. Moderators already exist for things such as trading guilds between players, so I would guess new moderators could come about for GW1 to GW2 trades as well.
A lot of players are going to be very surprised and probably mad that the bonus from GW1 isn't going to be significant at all. It would unbalance the 2nd game to give much of anything other than some bonus skinned item like we got with preorders. You might get some title to walk around with. It can't be worth very much whatever the bonus is though or it will just ruin the economy of GW2 before it even gets off the ground. Thus, cross trading shouldn't be allowed and I doubt it will be. The only way it will happen will be on 3rd party websites like gold selling and then Anet can just permanently ban those people participating in that. Which will be good for the game as a whole.
Dragons Avatar
it'll happen, some people will quit GW1 and not look back, all their items will be useless and they are more than happy if they can get rid of them if they get some nice GW2 stuff, others may not buy GW2 or might not like it, and they will sell their GW2 stuff for GW1 stuff, works both ways... and even if HoM stuff are locked to accounts which I believe they will be (like /bonus), there can be other items that are worse trading between games
A lot of players are going to be very surprised and probably mad that the bonus from GW1 isn't going to be significant at all. It would unbalance the 2nd game to give much of anything other than some bonus skinned item like we got with preorders. You might get some title to walk around with. It can't be worth very much whatever the bonus is though or it will just ruin the economy of GW2 before it even gets off the ground. Thus, cross trading shouldn't be allowed and I doubt it will be. The only way it will happen will be on 3rd party websites like gold selling and then Anet can just permanently ban those people participating in that. Which will be good for the game as a whole.
Or so i hope lol
I predict rare cases of trades attempted between games, with a great percentage being scams, leading to lots of loud complaining by people who should have realized that it's too risky a deal to enter.
It will happen, no doubt about it! So far in GW's I've seen people selling/buying runescape a/c's, Aion Wings, GW's a/c's think even once seen a wtb Flyff a/c. there is no end to peoples greed :