PC on Ghostly r9 and Fiery Blade Axe
M @ T
FBA ~ 2-3k/merch
I still need a price check on ghostly staff any help will be appreciated
I still need a price check on ghostly staff any help will be appreciated
both merch ...
wait, why is the ghostly staff merch? is that non-inscribable? meaning the +4 energy?
Total Lockdown
Sir Cusfreak
ghostly = merch 100%. IF someone wants the skin, they want the inherent mod/inscription slot on it as well.
axe, 3-4k but lucky to sell at all
axe, 3-4k but lucky to sell at all
ghostly = merch, ones with a bad inherent like hct9% or reduce condition are very common so no inherent has no value.
axe - ~3k but hard sale so merching is not much of a waste.
axe - ~3k but hard sale so merching is not much of a waste.
Yep , better choice is merch .
Merch both, imo.
Agreed. Ghostly without a good inherent mod or an insc. slot is merch.
FBA - if you're really desperate or have trouble merching stuff ... maybe 1k ... if you find someone wanting to buy the skin ... and they don't mind the r11. There are enough r9 FBA's around right now that most buyers will hold out and pick those up cheap instead.
FBA - if you're really desperate or have trouble merching stuff ... maybe 1k ... if you find someone wanting to buy the skin ... and they don't mind the r11. There are enough r9 FBA's around right now that most buyers will hold out and pick those up cheap instead.