The New Bp
R9 Inscrip Claw SKin Grim Cesta
If gold, I think those are still able to get 10-15k range without much trouble for the skin alone. With all the Discordway around and the general popularity of Death Magic builds, I doubt you'd find too much trouble finding it a home at that kind of price.
If selling in Kama, might be a good idea to have some decent mods handy to offer in addition if the buyer wants, but I certainly wouldn't pre-mod it. I say this only in the case of lower end Death Magic gear because of how many buyers seem to be looking for quick and easy gear to go out and Discordway with.
Best guess. Hope it helps. Cheers & GL!
If selling in Kama, might be a good idea to have some decent mods handy to offer in addition if the buyer wants, but I certainly wouldn't pre-mod it. I say this only in the case of lower end Death Magic gear because of how many buyers seem to be looking for quick and easy gear to go out and Discordway with.
Best guess. Hope it helps. Cheers & GL!