23 Oct 2009 at 00:52 - 2
No clue on CC prices at all, sorry, but I'll give best guesses on the ones I know at least a little.
5-10kish? - Halo Axe r9 - I just bought one of those off a chest clearout kind of thread a couple days ago. Don't think it was more than 5k. Perhaps, well sold, they can get a lot more? Personally, I've always liked the skin, but they always seem off the radar when it comes to popular skins.
5k-10kish - Gemstone Axe r9 - Ever since the treasure chests in NF these have seemed oversupplied, so while it's a semi-popular skin with folks, I don't think there's enough demand to match the supply.
15-20k at most, I think - Oaken Aegis r9 Strength
I think all of these are ~10-15k max b/o, but it takes a while to find buyers. They're nice enough looking and have their fans out there, but I've found it takes time. You can find them easily enough in clearout threads for the 5k range, especially the spears.
- Diamond Aegis r9 Command
- Ancient Shield r9 Command
- Brass spear r9
- Windblade Spear r9
I think all of the following are probably 5kish max. Might be higher on the staff, but they drop a lot around the Asuran maps, so I suspect the market's too full to get a higher price right now.
- Hypnotic Scepter r9 Illusion
- Spawning Wand r9 Spawning
- Primitive Staff r9 Communing
Don't know these prices at all. I'd be interested to know the answers you get on celestials. But as far as I know plagueborn daggers don't come inscribable at all ... so if you have some they could be worth a lot. I'd like to see them in game and get a screenshot to help update the wiki.
Kulkris r9
Celestial Daggers r9
Plagueborn Daggers r10
Cheers & GL!
EDIT - being in the market for insc. r9 Celestial Daggers, myself, I asked for PC in another thread. Someone I trust to know his prices said one can find them as low as 25k now. I've seen them for sale as high as 45k (not counting the truly ridiculous prices you see quoted in game sometimes.) So ... 25-45k for r9 Celestial Daggers insc.?