1. Amber Staff (Oldschool)
R. 10 Water magic
+5 en
2. Grim Cesta (Glove skin)
req-8 Death Magic
inscr. "Master of my Domain" Death +1/20%
3. Lotus Shield
Armor 15, req. 7 Strentgh
+59 HP w. hexed
Inscr. "Riddle of Steel" Armor +10 vs. slashing
Edit: For clarity item 1 is gold
the other 2 are blues
grateful for any ideas/comments
ty in advance
PC on Amber Staff, Cesta & Shield
Don't know amber staff, but look around the active threads on the buy forums if you're trying to sell it.
r8 gauntlet skin insc. (gold?) Grim Cesta - I'd guess no more than 40kish, but not sure. I think it's the r8 insc. stuff that many people are using as a weapon slot for non-primary skills (like W/E) that gets the higher prices. Unless it's useful to say, martial character using /N for Discordway, I don't see it fetching much over 40-50k from the r8 collectors. I could be wrong!
15/7str (assuming gold again) insc. Lotus Shield ... maybe 10-15k? It's the tactics and command 15/7's that fetch the higher prices right now I think. If you're a warrior with points in strength, I'd think you'd be able to spend at least 8 or 9 to use a 16 armor shield instead.
For all of them, salvage off the pricey popular mods and sell separate or keep to offer in addition when you find a buyer. I think you'll come out ahead selling the mods separate.
Cheers & GL! Hope it helped
r8 gauntlet skin insc. (gold?) Grim Cesta - I'd guess no more than 40kish, but not sure. I think it's the r8 insc. stuff that many people are using as a weapon slot for non-primary skills (like W/E) that gets the higher prices. Unless it's useful to say, martial character using /N for Discordway, I don't see it fetching much over 40-50k from the r8 collectors. I could be wrong!
15/7str (assuming gold again) insc. Lotus Shield ... maybe 10-15k? It's the tactics and command 15/7's that fetch the higher prices right now I think. If you're a warrior with points in strength, I'd think you'd be able to spend at least 8 or 9 to use a 16 armor shield instead.
For all of them, salvage off the pricey popular mods and sell separate or keep to offer in addition when you find a buyer. I think you'll come out ahead selling the mods separate.
Cheers & GL! Hope it helped