Req 8 shield
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Sir Cusfreak
its not
12 char
12 char
no, sry
It would be worth something if even blue, but the lack of an inscription slot sends that one to the merch I'm afraid.
The min req/max armor (or energy) prices even in non-gold colors usually only works on inscribable items if they'll hold a handle/core and an inscription. Or if they have nice, max or near max dual mods on non-insc. gear. Just fwiw.
The min req/max armor (or energy) prices even in non-gold colors usually only works on inscribable items if they'll hold a handle/core and an inscription. Or if they have nice, max or near max dual mods on non-insc. gear. Just fwiw.
99,9% or even more no , whites are not worth.