Since the new update I cannot start GW. It gets to 100% complete and then crashes. Any ideas?
I'm running a new vista 64bit home premium.
Can't start GW since new update.
I Palms I
drunk n angry
i'm running windows xp and i had the same problem.... it just wouldnt connect then would ultimately crash> i had to restart my pc and then it got it to work. good luck. and this update screwed alot up. i suggest a rollback!
I Palms I
Nope, still can't get on. Always crashes even after multiple restarts. I send the report to ANET but not sure if that helps or whatever. 

I've been having this problem for a month or so now. Sometimes it would load but my character would only spin on the spot and chat wouldn't work. I thought it may have been my internet, as I changed to a slower plan around the time it happened, but if others are having the same issues, then perhaps it's more closely related to A-net.
Had the same thing (windows vista 64 home premium) but restarting the pc fixed it
try reinstalling maybe, and make sure your firewall isn't blocking it. Every update my firewall asks for new permission to allow the GW client to access the internet.