HSR 20%
Raven Staff Q9 Smiting
HCT 10%
+5 energy
Raven Staff
Really don't know PCs for raven's at all lately, but upon seeing this I wanted to be sure you got at least one reply that said ... don't merch it!
Assuming that's gold and noninsc., I think it's probably worth at least 10-15k. Could be a lot more, not sure, as I said above I'm not clear on their PCs. Yes, you can craft them in EotN, but there are a lot of fans of the skin that also like oldschool stuff.
Cheers & GL!
Assuming that's gold and noninsc., I think it's probably worth at least 10-15k. Could be a lot more, not sure, as I said above I'm not clear on their PCs. Yes, you can craft them in EotN, but there are a lot of fans of the skin that also like oldschool stuff.
Cheers & GL!
ok thanks =) any1 thats pretty sure of what they are worth?