UW/FOW character requirment.
as an idea(never being implimented).
id like to see how people would feel if they had to beat the campgain per character, in order to obtain the rights to goto uw/fow.
this means to use toa entrance to uw/fow you have have to at least beat the last prophecies mission or to use cantry of secrets you need to beat nightfall, ect.
Yes that means actaully have playing your assassin before you get to farm.
now i know this doesnt fix the farming issue at hand nor does it make assassin's any less effective, but what it DOES do is force people to do what they should be doing, playing the game. make themget acsended and beat the game before going on to what was once called an "elite area".
btw keep in mind that this will never happen, keep the comments positiive and constructive.
what do yall think?
id like to see how people would feel if they had to beat the campgain per character, in order to obtain the rights to goto uw/fow.
this means to use toa entrance to uw/fow you have have to at least beat the last prophecies mission or to use cantry of secrets you need to beat nightfall, ect.
Yes that means actaully have playing your assassin before you get to farm.
now i know this doesnt fix the farming issue at hand nor does it make assassin's any less effective, but what it DOES do is force people to do what they should be doing, playing the game. make themget acsended and beat the game before going on to what was once called an "elite area".
btw keep in mind that this will never happen, keep the comments positiive and constructive.
what do yall think?
So instead of ascending and being able to go to FoW/UW, you think we should have to beat 3 easy missions first? Eh, whatever.
Reverend Dr
Those sins farm in hard mode. You have to beat a campaign to get hard mode.
So instead of ascending and being able to go to FoW/UW, you think we should have to beat 3 easy missions first? Eh, whatever.
Those sins farm in hard mode. You have to beat a campaign to get hard mode.
this requirement would work much like slaver's exile.
The Lost Explorer
Most of the sins have completed the games anyways to just to farm all over like DoA and stuff. This wont solve anything. I don't really see the point of this? I hate SF but this won't make a difference it might stop UWSC for what 3 days? for what 20 people? Not a big deal...
Reverend Dr
I hate SF but this won't make a difference it might stop UWSC for what 3 days? for what 20 people? Not a big deal...
Still takes longer to get the PvE skills for the sin farmers than it does to finish a campaign.
Most of the sins have completed the games anyways to just to farm all over like DoA and stuff. This wont solve anything. I don't really see the point of this? I hate SF but this won't make a difference it might stop UWSC for what 3 days? for what 20 people? Not a big deal...
maybe i should of thought about this more, maybe characters should be retricted to campaigns enterances instead of being able to enter uw/fow anywhere. but then you get the qq of WAH only faction players can uw/fow now..
Shayne Hawke
Just make Hard Mode in a campaign character specific?
Marty Silverblade
Having to finish the campaign isn't going to be an issue. It'll take away maybe 3 hours max. Don't think this'll make much difference.
TBH the only diff it will make is the effect on new players - uw/fow may get a set amount of new players daily which over time increases amount of gd uw players.
Now if you need to do a campaign first for its entry to uw then a problem will arise - a form of elitism.
I do recall in ye olden ursan days (lol) that became elitist as only ppl with a high rank were allowed in teams.
Do we really want to see the same happen in uw again - a player who has done the campaign finally , gets into uw and cant team up as he`s no exp in uw and no1 wants to teach or let in.
Yes uw/fow is an elite area but its not there for the elite players .
Now if you need to do a campaign first for its entry to uw then a problem will arise - a form of elitism.
I do recall in ye olden ursan days (lol) that became elitist as only ppl with a high rank were allowed in teams.
Do we really want to see the same happen in uw again - a player who has done the campaign finally , gets into uw and cant team up as he`s no exp in uw and no1 wants to teach or let in.
Yes uw/fow is an elite area but its not there for the elite players .
Mini Lich
Just make a daily allowance on the amount of times you can go into elite ares [doa, uw, fow, deep, urgoz etc...] make this accoutn based and you have a solution!
Zahr Dalsk
Or you could just kill SF.
not EVERYBODY does sc's. that'd hurt 600/smites and whoever does normal balanced. that's not too big of a deal but it'd be easier to just kill the skills and leave everything else alone. make deadly paradox disable non assassin skills or something, that'd be interesting
Forcing people to play a game theyve probs played 10+ times = boring them
The Drunkard
/not signed
Requiring a class to complete the game isn't much of a challenge, nor time hinderance. Anet should've just killed permasins and been done with it. Now they have the excuse that they "nerfed" SCs, and I doubt they'll do anything else to hurt the build.
Requiring a class to complete the game isn't much of a challenge, nor time hinderance. Anet should've just killed permasins and been done with it. Now they have the excuse that they "nerfed" SCs, and I doubt they'll do anything else to hurt the build.

Get over it already...
Get over it already...
Eragon Zarroc
it would be nothing but a minor annoyance
waste of live team time

/not signed
It is horrible design to add requirements that were not already there.
It is horrible design to add requirements that were not already there.
i feel your character should be more acomplished, rather then the 3hrs of walking/getting ran it takes to get your character to toa. it contributes to titles tracks, while contricting on farming accounts and combating general laziness. if those 3 missions are easy, then why not require them?
Love how ppl tries to get around a problem instead of solve it ....... no , /notsigned