Petition to remove winter's embrace from eles in Costume Brawl
Lux Aeterna
Ele build seems seriously OP this year, basically eles can solo anything and when it comes to fighting the team with the ele wins every time.
It would be nice for either blinding flash or winter's embrace to be taken off, double snare bars are ridiculously strong in a hex-free environments and basically there's nothing at all you can do when forced to go against eles in costume brawl.
TLDR: Costume brawl ele build pwns everything, fighting it is pointless and hurtful because of double snare + blind.
Additionally, it's difficult to run away properly without many run skills.
It would be nice for either blinding flash or winter's embrace to be taken off, double snare bars are ridiculously strong in a hex-free environments and basically there's nothing at all you can do when forced to go against eles in costume brawl.
TLDR: Costume brawl ele build pwns everything, fighting it is pointless and hurtful because of double snare + blind.
Additionally, it's difficult to run away properly without many run skills.
in return eles don't have any speed boosts and most physicals have some sort of condition removal.
Copenhagen Master
/nay it is costume brawl....granted it can be a pain being a melee fighter and get snared and blinded, but that just part of the game.
Bob Slydell
Um...You only take damage if you move, and at that setting its only 5 seconds, regharge in 12 seconds for the ele? Wait till it's gone, then run after the ele and beat the hell out of him/her. Nuff said.
....seriously? It's a 5 second snare with a 12 second cooldown. I'm sorry but learn how to play better. The only thing it truly shuts down is a warrior/dervish/paragon.
Shayne Hawke
Are you kidding?
It's the ONLY good skill on their bar this year. They have no extra speed, and their blind sucks.
It's the ONLY good skill on their bar this year. They have no extra speed, and their blind sucks.
The ele bar is just okay. Fun because it can take down bad sins and rangers with ease. Anybody who actually uses their condition removal destroys em though. The reason winter's embrace is being used is because it is a non line of sight, quick casting snare. It's also the only 5 energy spell to be used if you run low on energy.
It isn't anywhere near as OP as the sin bar or a good mesmer.
The ele bar is just okay. Fun because it can take down bad sins and rangers with ease. Anybody who actually uses their condition removal destroys em though. The reason winter's embrace is being used is because it is a non line of sight, quick casting snare. It's also the only 5 energy spell to be used if you run low on energy.
It isn't anywhere near as OP as the sin bar or a good mesmer.
Eragon Zarroc
pffft, in exchange for the 2 snares and blind, eles only have 2 hard hitting spells, both of which are two second cast times (interrupt fodder), and high energy reqs. they also have 3 skill slots taken for buffs required to cast all their high energy skills. the double snare is not OP. without it, the ele would have no defense to speak of.
Ele bar sucks tbh. I've been playing mes/warr and steamrolling any eles.
Yea, the ele bar for this year sucks pretty hard. As an assassin, I lulz so hard at it. Palm strike while they're using blinding, then signet of malice and continue the chain and dance on corpses.
It really does only stop warriors/dervs, but then again, if they're smart, they wait for hex removal.
It really does only stop warriors/dervs, but then again, if they're smart, they wait for hex removal.
because imo ele's are one of the worst in costume brawls already.. i use mesmers in costume brawls and when an ele comes up to me and no one is around i kill them really fast
because imo ele's are one of the worst in costume brawls already.. i use mesmers in costume brawls and when an ele comes up to me and no one is around i kill them really fast
Artisan Archer
Mesmers are this year what rangers were last year. Don't qq about it, just use it.
the assa build sucks, it can barely take below 50% w/ vampiric...
chris the dervish is better.....
chris the dervish is better.....
assa build is very gd..but monks kick ars
Ele build seems seriously OP this year, basically eles can solo anything and when it comes to fighting the team with the ele wins every time.
It would be nice for either blinding flash or winter's embrace to be taken off, double snare bars are ridiculously strong in a hex-free environments and basically there's nothing at all you can do when forced to go against eles in costume brawl. TLDR: Costume brawl ele build pwns everything, fighting it is pointless and hurtful because of double snare + blind. Additionally, it's difficult to run away properly without many run skills. |
Of all the classes in cb you're saying that eles are op?
nah, /notsigned
I've killed plenty ele's - they tend to be over-confident, sporting big ego's that are easily bruised when omgwtfimdead!
I've killed plenty ele's - they tend to be over-confident, sporting big ego's that are easily bruised when omgwtfimdead!

Yea, the ele bar for this year sucks pretty hard. As an assassin, I lulz so hard at it. Palm strike while they're using blinding, then signet of malice and continue the chain and dance on corpses.
It really does only stop warriors/dervs, but then again, if they're smart, they wait for hex removal. |
Elementalists this year should have no problems killing an Assassin solo. They have so many layers of defense against it: Blind on Trampling. Health shrines letting them survive a full chain and then heal up with Aura of Restoration. Snare and hit / run - they have two snares after all. The bar has its weaknesses with the lack of a speedboost being the most pronounced of all, but then relative to the other bars I still find it one of the more powerful (Sin is strongest).
By the way hex removal is what, in a little ... short supply ... in Costume Brawl?
/notsigned. Lightning shield + HealSig (or Refuge, narf) inbetween Orbs > Eles.
btw, the sin bar only seems good because people do not kite.
btw, the sin bar only seems good because people do not kite.
Winter's Embrace lasts only 5 seconds. Far from OP.