Several Golds an Festival Items

Total Lockdown

Total Lockdown

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


Freelance Soldiers [Solo]


Also Demonslaying Sword Pommel (20%)


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Ok, I'll do my best ...

dead staff I would merch - bad inherent mod

I recently bought r9 insc. Chromium Shards for 15k, which I *think* was the low end of current market price range for them. Maybe you can get 30k or more, well sold, I'm not sure. I'm keeping mine, so I haven't tested the market.

no idea on the rest pictured.

20% demon slaying pommel is weird. I bought one from a sort of private offer for my collection for 25k a few days ago. We keep hearing this 50-100k+ range, but I've yet to see any sold for that price recently. And I've noticed folks having trouble getting 30-40k b/o for them. Those high prices may have just been when large DoA farming guilds stocked up for manly-way, and now the high-paying market for those is mostly gone. Not sure.

Hope it helps.

EDIT - re 20vDemon pommel - After getting the private offer from someone who said they knew of a 30k c/o on another one, I got another offer from yet a different person. As the private offer already sounded like something I was going to take, I turned down the new offer but told them what I'd heard about prices. They've kept me informed and have had no luck selling it for ~30k range for a couple days. So yeah, these are seeming like one of those things where if you luck out and find a buyer, you might get some plat. But if you find one on a drop and try to sell it, you're likely in for some hard work if you want more than 5-10k.

King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

wintergreen candycanes 250-300g/ea
peppermint candycanes ~450/ea

Total Lockdown

Total Lockdown

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


Freelance Soldiers [Solo]


First and only BUMP