How do you feel about GWs?
Crom The Pale
I have noticed that I measure almost every other game I play against something in GW.
Be it the graphics, the camera movement, the sound/music, the ease of play or the community.
Perhaps one of the biggest things about GW that I will always take with me is that it is the first game that I have ever played where I really felt like the makers were listening to me and making changes based on player feedback. Sometimes they listened to the wrong group, but it was still a group that played the game.
Now all I need them to do is add in some snow boarding on the Shiverpeaks and some card games in Marhan's Grotto.
Be it the graphics, the camera movement, the sound/music, the ease of play or the community.
Perhaps one of the biggest things about GW that I will always take with me is that it is the first game that I have ever played where I really felt like the makers were listening to me and making changes based on player feedback. Sometimes they listened to the wrong group, but it was still a group that played the game.
Now all I need them to do is add in some snow boarding on the Shiverpeaks and some card games in Marhan's Grotto.
I was late to the game, so I'm still working on completing stuff/titles/etc.
If I get bored with it, I'll quit (and often do for weeks at a time). The graphics/interface/skill system is what pulled me in the first place, it fit my playstyle, and will always be one of my top 10 games.
Compared to a $60 xbox game that I will either pass or get bored with and never play again, I got my money out of Guild Wars 1000 times at least
If I get bored with it, I'll quit (and often do for weeks at a time). The graphics/interface/skill system is what pulled me in the first place, it fit my playstyle, and will always be one of my top 10 games.
Compared to a $60 xbox game that I will either pass or get bored with and never play again, I got my money out of Guild Wars 1000 times at least
own age myname
Everytime I try to start a new MMO, I can't stick to it more then 3 weeks. The grind and the quests get to me (I mean c'mon, how many monkeys do I have to kill to get 20 jugs, for some weird old man?).
All new MMOs are WoW clones. I'm just so surprised no one has tried to replicate Guild Wars's success. Runes of Magic kind of tried with the dual class system, but it still fell victim to WoWClone.
All new MMOs are WoW clones. I'm just so surprised no one has tried to replicate Guild Wars's success. Runes of Magic kind of tried with the dual class system, but it still fell victim to WoWClone.
People are always saying guild wars is dead but every time i log on theres hundreds of people playing
Whether its pve where people are doing tough vanquishes/dungeons in eotn for rep or doing fow and underworld clears for shards and globs or pvp where you have random arenas, aliance battles, jade quarry and the new spangled codex arena All are packed with people at all times I love this game its the best mmo ive played by a long way |
I was given a GW account about 4 years ago or so, but I never really spent the time to get to know it. I always had other things to do. But, I have just started to get into it again, and I am finding it to be a really nicely balanced game. It's easy to just jump into, but there's enough stuff to do to keep your interest for a long time. I am about to hit level 8 in Pre (never been to Post), so I know I have a long ways to go. I also bought Factions & EoTN. As soon as I find Nightfall on sale for cheap, I'll snag that, too. Basically, I just wanted to say "thanks" to all the seasoned vets that are out there that still play. It makes me think that it's worth sticking around for.
Olim Chill
I took a year off from playing GW and came back recently "refreshed". It's still a lot of fun.
I never played a game called "GWs." I used to play GW though.
Long story short, how do you guys feel about GW's and the current state it's in. I know I'll always have a place in my heart for the first MMO that truly fits the way I think games should be (skill>time).
Here's hoping for GW2.
As a game, Guild Wars was (and is) straggering good value for money. Considering what we have been given as a game overall, it has kept thousands entertained and happy for years.
Of course people move on when they have done what they set out to do or feel it has stagnated enough for the exodus to begin. Nerfs always were a pain (as with any game) but most rode it out and continued enjoying, mainly with friends (or those focussed getting their titles).
Personally, I've never played anything as good. Graphics still hold up and are better than many games out there, still there are things to be completed after all this time (admittedly new content would help make the game a bit more than it is currently), the delivery mechanism for updates is quite frankly unrivalled imo (inifinitely better than the likes of Torrenters) and the whole fact that 8 skills does indeed test your mettle does keep me going even now.
I've tried WoW, LotR and Perfect World. But I've still come back for the company and the game itself.
Of course people move on when they have done what they set out to do or feel it has stagnated enough for the exodus to begin. Nerfs always were a pain (as with any game) but most rode it out and continued enjoying, mainly with friends (or those focussed getting their titles).
Personally, I've never played anything as good. Graphics still hold up and are better than many games out there, still there are things to be completed after all this time (admittedly new content would help make the game a bit more than it is currently), the delivery mechanism for updates is quite frankly unrivalled imo (inifinitely better than the likes of Torrenters) and the whole fact that 8 skills does indeed test your mettle does keep me going even now.
I've tried WoW, LotR and Perfect World. But I've still come back for the company and the game itself.
How do I feel about GW it has gotten kind of old but there is still room for improvement like expandable skill bar.It would aslo be nice to see the elites areas opened up more no fee and do away with favour.The Elite areas in PWI only requires a certain lvl to enter.
There is not as much fun in GW as PWI has on PvE side of things.When it comes to PvP GW still is better at that as you don't get pked by some lvl 80.There is still potential for this if they look at what other games are doing and this making some skills more powerfull in PvE.I could solo Hells with my Monk if I had my Clerics skills.Anet could also increase the lvl to 40 say.
There is not as much fun in GW as PWI has on PvE side of things.When it comes to PvP GW still is better at that as you don't get pked by some lvl 80.There is still potential for this if they look at what other games are doing and this making some skills more powerfull in PvE.I could solo Hells with my Monk if I had my Clerics skills.Anet could also increase the lvl to 40 say.
I'm still playing it (a little less) like a dumb RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO.
But it feels so damn good...
Damn you, ANet!
But it feels so damn good...
Damn you, ANet!
Here here- the game is ridiculously good for the value of it - I took a year off (starting a family, GW burn out, etc) and have just returned to find the game both familiar and new at the same time. It's held up amazingly well!
All new MMOs are WoW clones. I'm just so surprised no one has tried to replicate Guild Wars's success. Runes of Magic kind of tried with the dual class system, but it still fell victim to WoWClone.
If GW2 carries on to be as successful, other MMOs might follow, but still, they would rather have an accidental success that pays monthly.
Why make a MMO that hopefully survives on box sales when you can make a MMO that hopefully allows you to milk your customers monthly. Cash registers going Cha Ching! and all that, you know, heh.

Prince Jason
ive played guild wars since october of 05 before the halloween festival began. One day I logged in and I was in Lion's arch there was a huge update for the halloween festival I logged in and everything was changed it was amazing that is when I discovered I would be playing this game for years because of that festival. It was a nice thing to do never seen anything as nice as that (in-game)
I just recently closed my EQ2 account in favor of Aion. And I really love Aion alot and once the bugs get shaken out and the grind tidied up a bit it will be great. But --- the scenary made me homesick for GW lol. I mean it felt like coming home
So now I'm playing Aion and GW. I'm enjoying Halloween this year because time away does make the heart grow fonder
So easy to log in, the storylines and music, all of it.

So now I'm playing Aion and GW. I'm enjoying Halloween this year because time away does make the heart grow fonder

If there's one thing I can keep my finger on about this game is that if you play it for just that, it's one of the better rpg's you can run from start to finish. On the other hand, I'm not too keen on people around in the community as their lack of positive input destroys it. I miss the days you could find someone to adventure with while doing the same quests in full groups and get to know everyone.
I'm still kinda new to GW, and while starting at PvE and going through the campaigns, I find PvP to be so much more satisfying.
However, my first, and current, impression is that the community is what's destroying this game. I'm seeing more negative players than positive, especially in HA and some of the farming pugs like VSF an UWSC. When I discovered this site, which is arguably the biggest GW fansite, I noticed that the forums really wasn't better.
So for now, I'm just doing my own thing with friends and guildies and doing some semi-serious GvG/HA, but I'm not really into the game as much as the first day I brought it.
However, my first, and current, impression is that the community is what's destroying this game. I'm seeing more negative players than positive, especially in HA and some of the farming pugs like VSF an UWSC. When I discovered this site, which is arguably the biggest GW fansite, I noticed that the forums really wasn't better.
So for now, I'm just doing my own thing with friends and guildies and doing some semi-serious GvG/HA, but I'm not really into the game as much as the first day I brought it.
The Drunkard
If you want a dying game go play warhammer online...this one's just a bit stale.
The two things I really don't like about the game is it is are the pve/consumables and the lack of a decent skill balance...otherwise the game is still fun for me.
The two things I really don't like about the game is it is are the pve/consumables and the lack of a decent skill balance...otherwise the game is still fun for me.
However, my first, and current, impression is that the community is what's destroying this game. I'm seeing more negative players than positive, especially in HA and some of the farming pugs like VSF an UWSC. When I discovered this site, which is arguably the biggest GW fansite, I noticed that the forums really wasn't better.
pumpkin pie
Malice Black
How do I feel about GW?
It got worse with every expansion pretty much covers it.
Then they added to the stupidity with mini-pets, z-chest for the those too stupid to make money and to top it all of, a PvE
2005 was a good year though.
It got worse with every expansion pretty much covers it.
Then they added to the stupidity with mini-pets, z-chest for the those too stupid to make money and to top it all of, a PvE
2005 was a good year though.
i love to play guild wars and will still play even when gw2 comes out. when it comes out that is! xD but with the lags,codes,bugs we've been getting lately i being to feel anet is trying to push us away. and now these halloween quest i really get that feeling. i can only hope gw2 comes soon.
Mr. Undisclosed
i love to play guild wars and will still play even when gw2 comes out. when it comes out that is! xD but with the lags,codes,bugs we've been getting lately i being to feel anet is trying to push us away. and now these halloween quest i really get that feeling. i can only hope gw2 comes soon.
Divine Ashes
Well, things have changed a lot in GW over the years...I myself started playing around the Sorrows Furnace update. It's been a ride, that's for sure. Seeing the evolution and subsequent de-evolution of pvp after Nightfall's release has been interesting to watch...and even more interesting is seeing all the attempts at fixing it so far fail...and in most cases make things worse.
I still log on Guild Wars occasionally, even after 4 years of play. I usually RA, talk to friends, farm nicholas items, or just kinda observe some GvG. I feel the game is getting progressively deader and deader, but it is to be expected in an MMO that has lasted for so so long.
I still log on Guild Wars occasionally, even after 4 years of play. I usually RA, talk to friends, farm nicholas items, or just kinda observe some GvG. I feel the game is getting progressively deader and deader, but it is to be expected in an MMO that has lasted for so so long.
Bryant Again
The PvE is fun and entertaining but lacks a lot of depth. What seems like a lot to master at first becomes stagnent and simple with more experience. Fortunately, the PvP is still probably the best you'll get out of any other MMO.
Overall still a pretty decent game that I'll always recommend to friends.
Overall still a pretty decent game that I'll always recommend to friends.
I had a great time playing it and that's what matters. I don't expect a game like GW to last me forever.
Mr. Undisclosed
i feel like RA SUCK NOW OMG
Achrr The Archer
I'll never escape....ever.
Mr. G
I'm bored with it now, after all its been quite a few years - While I don't really play I don't regret the time I "wasted" like most other MMO's I played.
Many of you are just fooling yourselves as I know if EQ or DAOC or Star Wars Galaxies or WOW or any of the other GREAT mmorpgs were FREE NO MONTHLY fee you would flock to them like rats to a sewer. You mostly play this because it has no monthly fee and you give yourselves delusions that it's the greatest mmo to ever come about. lol
It's merely a time consumer game that has its fun points but it's hardly the greatest thing since sliced bread. Everything becomes repetitive fast and there are no major events like in an EQ or a WOW where it takes large groups to take on a BOSS. Hell I can solo most bosses in this game. If your idea is to be able to do that then you must like romper room? And that's another thing this game has turned from group oriented in to solo build from skill>time to time=skill and wealth. You watch the population disappear when they nerf SF. Plus the gnawing and gnashing of teeth on this forum (which I can't wait to read). ![]() So WAKE-UP and stop being delusioned. |
And no. I don't care for online games or MMOs. I tried WoW, FFXI, Perfect World, Ragnarok, Aion...they were all terrible. Boring, mindless grind, no thanks.
GW I got into pretty much because I was pestered to try playing it by my brother and one of my friends and I'm really glad I listened to them, as the game drew me in and I love it.
I've been playing a year now with about 700 hours. Sure, not a huge amount in comparison to some people, but considering how little I play games as of late, it's a ton for me.
There's just so many things this game did right. Very different from other online games, but different in a good way, and I certainly hope that more developers consider at least using elements from how GW works.
I really like that this system has a great balance for hexes, conditions, chains, and the ability to actually counter in this game. How many other games support this? None hardly. The only thing I've seen come remotely close was Grandia and that's just a console RPG.
I really like that this system has a great balance for hexes, conditions, chains, and the ability to actually counter in this game. How many other games support this? None hardly. The only thing I've seen come remotely close was Grandia and that's just a console RPG.
Must say that guildwars is easy to get in and out.People can come back for more without worry.At least you don't lag behind your friends in term of grinds.Even with changes there will always be information for you to keep up on wiki.Which most MMO does'nt or barely have them on one place.
own age myname
^ I agree with the wiki comment above.
Only 1 other MMO I've played has a wiki (runescape) with ARMOR PICTURES. It annoys me I can't see what my armor looks like. Not that it matters I guess, most MMOs just recolor armors each 3 levels :/.
Only 1 other MMO I've played has a wiki (runescape) with ARMOR PICTURES. It annoys me I can't see what my armor looks like. Not that it matters I guess, most MMOs just recolor armors each 3 levels :/.
HuntMaster Avatar
I used to have a blast on gw and still do, for the most part. But I get bored quickly now and I rarely play anymore. I enjoy special events like halloween fest and all those once a year events. I like some of the event weekends and I love the daily zmissions and the once a week traveler.
I'd get into pvp more, but the sheer volume of pvp-skill-nazi-elite-no life- A-holes makes me ill. So I avoid pvp for the most part.
So, for me, gw is still a fun game to play once in awhile. Beyond that, its boring as hell.
I'd get into pvp more, but the sheer volume of pvp-skill-nazi-elite-no life- A-holes makes me ill. So I avoid pvp for the most part.

So, for me, gw is still a fun game to play once in awhile. Beyond that, its boring as hell.