Yo, pretty simple suggestion. Quite a few people want to fix syncing, however I think syncing is fine for these events as it allows friends and family to play together during the holiday events and really just have fun together, part of what the holidays are all about.
So instead, just add a little matchmaking change, where after it pools your team of X (depending on gametype) together, you are matched up with another team of X based on Gamer Points.
To give an example, let's say there's players A, B, C, D, and E in Costume Brawl. A has 1,250 Gamer Points, B has 723 GP, C has 123 GP, D has 3,450 GP, and E has 0 GP.
It would do (1,250+723+123+3,450+0)/5 (round down) or 1,109. It would then match your team up with the closest team in the pool with an average "Gamer score" of 1,109. As more time passes, it'll pair you up with more teams that are farther away.
This will make it harder for really good Sync teams to be matched up with people way beyond their skill level and promote more even games. Ideally, this whole process wouldn't take much longer than the current one to match you up with a team, especially since there's a ton of people playing these minigames whenever they are around.
Matchmaking Change for Holiday Minigames
It may seem easy to implement but the amount of coding that would be required on anets end to pull this off would be rediculous.
It may seem easy to implement but the amount of coding that would be required on anets end to pull this off would be rediculous.
Making a party of 5 shouldn't be too hard for an outpost.
Then, we add up all the scores of party members
And we use that score like the scores in HB, GvG, etc.
It would be nice, but then you'd have people with like R10 gamer looking for R0s to bring their points down.
Costume brawl is more like hero battles, I would rather have it affected by Commander Title, (Lol)
Eragon Zarroc
meh, u don't have to be on the same team as friends. they should take out the syncing in holiday gaming as they did in RA. completely random teams ftw.
Costume Brawl daily tourneys/monthy would be nice to see-- just like during last Wintersday. :3
you want something that happens like twice a year changed? for what? waste of time and money.