rare, sundering stormbow of fortitude
requirement 9 marksmanship
20/20 sunder
+30 health
rare, lotus shield of fortitude
requirement 9 strength
+30 health
-2 physical damage while in stance
pc on rare stormbow, lotus shield
If inscription: Take all mods off the lotus and merch the skin. Sell +30 for 5k, -2stance for 2-3k.
If inherent: 50k+?
Storm Bow 30-35k, imo.
I think he means gold = rare as per the wiki info. But yes, these skins are relatively common.
If inherent: 50k+?
Storm Bow 30-35k, imo.
I think he means gold = rare as per the wiki info. But yes, these skins are relatively common.
neither are rare. but
60k MAX for the stormbow
and lotus shield i saw someone offering 3-5k for the other day (imo too high for it)
60k MAX for the stormbow
and lotus shield i saw someone offering 3-5k for the other day (imo too high for it)
yea i meant gold, sorry guys
For stormbows Q9 i would say 20-30k max if Insc. Q9 Oldschool. 25-40k